Category Archives: Trump/Russia

Bill Barr, Sideshow Bear

Lies, selective memory, mischaracterizations, shadings, deletions, redactions: Bill Barr has, in his short, second tenure as Attorney General, been guilty of these and just about every other untruth-adjacent action you can name. But he shouldn’t be impeached and the more … Continue reading

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Dirty Rubles: An Introduction to Trump/Russia (My New Book)

I have written a short book called Dirty Rubles: An Introduction to Trump/Russia. It is available in print, and as an e-book. It is a 120-page Trump/Russia primer, similar in tone to my summary threads on Twitter, and drawn extensively … Continue reading

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A Summary of the Conspiracy Against the United States

How to hold all of the treason in your head. Continue reading

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The Last Year in Anti-Trump

The last year in anti-Trump. Continue reading

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Conspiracy Against the United States: Trump Treason Power Rankings (40)

Post-indictment treason! Continue reading

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козырь: Trump Treason Power Rankings (Week 39)

Treason!!!!! Continue reading

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козырь: Trump Treason Power Rankings (Week 38)

In the tradition of Amy Siskind’s (more exhaustive and better) weekly list of subtle authoritarian changes, козырь is a weekly ranking of who in Trump’s circle of corrupt associates has committed the most treason in the past seven days. H/t … Continue reading

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