THE ASCENSION of Donald Trump to the presidency could have devastating effects: on the economy, on civil rights, on the environment, on foreign relations, on—and this is not hyperbole, given his blase attitude towards nuclear missiles—life as we know it.
We need him to not be president, period; or, if president, to remove him from office as soon as possible, whether through impeachment or resignation. That is the prime directive.
Here’s how:
I: Don’t Feed the Trolls—Even the Famous Ones
Friday night, Vice President-Elect [sic] and gay reparation therapy poster boy Mike Pence went to see the hit Broadway musical Hamilton. When it became evident that he was in attendance, members of the crowd greeted him with lusty boos. At the end of the performance, cast member Brandon Victor Dixon addressed the Indiana governor, saying, “We sir, we, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us — our planet, our children, our parents — or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.”
That led President-Elect [sic] and inveterate shit-stirrer Donald J. Trump to tweet: “Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. This should not happen!” and then, “The Theater must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!”
Twitter went haywire. Trump supporters, taking the notorious liar’s version of what happened at face value, started the #boycottHamilton hashtag, which is still trending as of this writing. Anyone who actually watched the clips and saw what happened were rightly infuriated by Trump’s tweets. First, the cast of the show harassed no one, nor was rude, but rather generous and respectful; it was the audience who booed. Second, here is a recidivist sexual predator, in whose name swastikas are being spray-painted hither and nigh, unironically calling for safe spaces and apologies for rudeness! If you are a reasonable person, one invested in truth and justice and the American way, this tweaks your sense of right and wrong.
But here’s the thing: Donald Trump is a defective human being. He has always been thus. Now that he has been elected president, he’s not going to suddenly, at the age of seventy, become something he’s not. Donald Trump is nothing more than a wealthy internet troll. Again: HE IS AN INTERNET TROLL. He tweets stuff he knows will push people’s buttons, and then sits back and delights in the shit he’s stirred up. That’s what trolls do. Which is why you don’t feed the trolls. Ever. Even—nay, especially—if they are going to be the President of the United States of America.
So Step One is, stop taking the bait. Right now, the brouhaha with Hamilton is on the front page of major newspapers, instead of the fraud trial he just settled for $25 million (Did he cut the check yet? Will he? Can we please see photographic evidence of same, and proof that it didn’t bounce?). This is a problem, and will remain a problem as long as we keep being outraged by every incendiary thing he says. Because the press will cover the “controversy” about some idiotic tweet (Hamilton) rather than an actual important story (Trump U. fraud). This pattern repeated itself throughout the campaign, helping Trump drive the narrative by redirection. It MUST cease.
Stop feeding President Troll. Just stop. Ignore his tweets. Ignore his I-can’t-believe-he-just-said-that’s. We knew he was a racist, sexist, cruel, mean, selfish, unscrupulous sexual predator before he elected him. We knew it, and people voted for him regardless. Shame on them, but that phase is over. Trump and his ardent disciples do not care about any of this. To the contrary, they, like him, delight in seeing us get upset. So stop!
II. Scream bloody murder about conflicts of interest
His fame, his wealth, and his outsized personality are compelling, and drove ratings for cable news outfits across the political divide, all of which enjoyed banner years in 2016. (Sidenote: please stop watching cable news). Enough. Donald Trump needs to be covered in the media in the same way a non-celebrity would. The only way that will happen is if we, the consumers of said media, demand it. Which means we need to focus not on the mean tweets, the laughably horrible cabinet appointments, or even the hate crimes perpetrated in his name. (Too, we need to stop talking about why Hillary “lost,” how Bernie would have done better, how Jill Stein voters are to blame for the result…and we need never speak again about Democrats failing the white working class). We need to accept that bad stuff will continue to happen until Trump is removed, and then turn our undivided attention on what will remove him: his unprecedented conflicts of interest.
In short, his many business dealings put him in a position where he cannot act solely on behalf of “we the people.” Here’s an example: Trump carries extensive debt that he owes to the Bank of China. The Bank of China is owned by the government of China. How on earth can he negotiate anything with the Chinese, when he owes them so much money? That we don’t know exactly how much money he owes, because he stillhasn’t released his tax returns, remains a problem.
To cite a more recent, and probably more egregious, example: Trump apparently held an event for foreign diplomats at his new hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue last week. At this event, he encouraged them to rent rooms there. Do you see how that’s a yuuuuge conflict of interest? How he’s using his public office to enrich himself? It also happens to be a violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits the acceptance of gifts from foreign government officials. Unless he sells or gives away the hotel—which he leases from the federal government, another ethical problem—before January 20, he could be impeached the minute he’s sworn in. (Read more about this on Judd Legum’s helpful tweet-string).
The opinion page of the Wall Street Journal, no bastion of liberality, urges Trump to liquidate his assets for just this reason: if he does not, liberals will be able to attack him for it for the entire time he’s president. Because on almost every issue of import, he has a conflict of interest. And this advice was written by folks who support him!
So: from now until January 20, block out the noise. All we should be talking about is the conflicts of interest he’s exposed to by not liquidating his financial empire. That’s all. Everyone in the country needs to understand a) that Trump is in an ethically untenable position, b) why it’s bad for the country that he has so many conflicts of interest, especially with respect to China and Russia, and c) that he needs to liquidate all his assets before he places his short fingers on the Bible on January 20.
Write your representatives and your senators. Write letters to the editor of your local paper. Post about it incessantly on social media. Get the word out!
This must be the narrative for all of December and January, or we’re toast. It has to be put in the starkest, simplest of terms, and it has to have legs. To live at 1600 Pennsylvania, Donald Trump must sell the hotel down the street…and everything else he owns, the real estate holdings, the golf courses, every last divot. (The idea of a blind trust run by his kids is ethically unacceptable, a non-starter).
Basically, we need to make Trump decide which he wants to keep: his business empire or the presidency. If you believe he’ll choose the latter over the former, I have some lovely property in Atlantic City to sell you.
“But then we have Pence,” you might say. True. The thing is…
III. Without question, Mike Pence is preferable to Trump.
Yes, Pence is odious. He’s a religious nut-job who hates—hates—gay people. He would be a terrible president.
However, Pence, unlike Trump, is an actual politician with executive experience. He has a baseline competency for the job that Trump lacks (read: he probably won’t start a nuclear war over a mean tweet).
More importantly, Trump’s popularity stems from his personality, around which he has established a cult (or a klan, if you will). No one’s going to swear allegiance to Mike Pence. If Trump resigns or is impeached, Pence will be revealed as a mean-spirited Washington insider who wants to actively discriminate against gay people and work with Paul Ryan to gut entitlement programs. Good luck with that.
When it comes to charisma, Trump is a pound sterling, while Mike Pence is, well, one pence. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but on January 20, I hope it’s him and not Trump being sworn in. Our country’s future, and probably the earth’s, may depend on it.

This is illegal.
You are amazing, if there is anything I can do in my own small way I will help.
I am scared
We are all sacred. So the only thing to do is not let the story die. Keep calling him out when he does and says horrible things. Don’t give up. Remember, he “won” the election with fewer votes than HRC. He does not have a mandate.
You need a history lesson Greg. Popular votes do not elect Presidents. You live in a bubble or just have no clue. “He doesn’t have a mandate” WTF are you talking about? He won the election. Notice how he has already taken office? I like the comment where a fellow commenter asked you to take the lead. You couldn’t lead a horse to water because you are ignorant to the facts. Don’t you have a protest to be at? Are you wearing your vagina on your head today? It sounds like you are talking from it. Wussy, wake up. Americans are tired of crap like this and the dems and libs are losing voters by the thousands the more you keep this shit up.
Another brainwash product here. Putin,s Poodle is easily the worst president ever, if one dare call Donnie that,at least since 1950. But, more than an incapable, untrustworthy, incompetent, and all around failure, his psychopathy is malevolent and indeed dangerous. Maybe, worse the bought and sold little sheep in congress do not have the hangs to call themselves, men, or women. Call 45 to resign as another of his failures, or impeach little 45!
Let me tell you something. You get rid of our PRESIDENT and you will have the biggest war in this country you can ever imagine.
If you dont get rid of Donald Trump, you will have the biggest war on your hands. The US is a joke with him in power and makes the US totally weak/vulnerable.
No one has to get rid of the THUG! He & his stupid attorney,will do it themselves!!!! The world is in devastating DRAMA for REAL!!! NEVER THOUGHT we would witness the USA on the verge of being like Russia n now no.korea!! LORD HELP US ALL!!Very SANTANIC Crippled leadership!!!!!!
you make sense. you are probably right but we don’t know what might get him out and we probably shouldn’t rule “anything” out.
There is only one way to get out of his bullshit and degridation of this country.
I can’t say it, but you know what I’m saying. It just takes someone to have the balls to do it.
Forget what I just said .. I don’t wanna be hauled up up on all kinds on charges.
The Department of Justice is tallying phone calls regarding those who want the 2016 Vote Audited. A shift of just 55,000 Trump votes to Hillary in PA, MI & WI is all that is Needed to Win.
They are starting to recognize there really is something off about the election results as they come in. Considering everything that is at stake, a vote audit should be done.
Call the DOJ at 202-353-1555 and tell them you want the votes audited. Even if it’s busy, keep calling. It takes a few times to get through because of all the calls being made.
Dear OF,
First of all, I have been trying nonstop to get through to that number at the DOJ, and it is constantly busy, so is there another number people can try? Second, the fact that you do not identify yourself by name makes me reluctant to post your announcement on Facebook, which I would like to do, because your anonymity can call into question the legitimacy of what you are saying, and I don’t want to post something this important that is inaccurate. So please consider either identifying yourself or providing some other evidence that this is really happening with DOJ. Thank you.
The number given is real. It is just busy. Here is another site with the number given.
Don’t listen to these people Paula. Your smarter than the rest of them. Trump is president and there is nothing these liberals can do. They live in an alternative reality. This site is garbage. This is almost hysterical that people are crazy enough to buy this bullshit.
Brett you have not said one intelligent word. Go away. And don’t come back when you find out Trump is only in it for the money
Department of Justice Main Switchboard: 202-514-2000
or email
Thank you so much, S Santiago!
I am not American (a Brit living in Canada), but I’d like to wish you all the best in surviving Trump. Anything you can do to dump this idiot you should do. I was appalled at his suggestion that Nigel Farage should be appointed ambassador to Washington, and even more appalled at the alt-right sympathisers appearing to be on Trump’s short list for cabinet candidates. Next he’ll make Sarah Palin ambassador to Russia, since it’s so near where she lives. Oh, I forgot– he has so far appointed no women (or black men) to his cabinet, just ignoramuses, religious fanatics and crypto-Nazis. All these people should slither back under their stones and stay there.
Why no one is asking to see his tax return like he was making such a big deal about Obama’s birth certificate. We need some celebrities to start the harassment.
I just called the Department of Justice’s main number and was told that the DOJ does not conduct audits of elections. Now what?
I wrote my concerns and added that if they are not the correct venue to address this, to please recommend the correct agency. Still can’t hurt to bombard any and all top govt agencies, with concerns, IMO.
Good idea!
Oh, the humanity….
Hyperbole, histrionics, and hogwash are your forte, apparently.
Please stop already ! It is really pathetic. Do you really think the American people are falling for this media stuff. We are smarter then this !
Why don’t you nut heads just hire a hit man and have him assassinated. that is more like what you DemocRATS usually do. Give it up and realize we are sick of you DemocRATS ruining our country with Obama Soros, the Clintons, and the rest of the Yo Yos Pelosi, Reid, lynch, Sharpton, Black Panthers , Black Lives Matter, Riots, looting, Arson, Kill Cops ,Kill Whites. We the Republicans want our Country back from the last 8 years of Dictatorship. if you do not like what we voted for leave it is that simple.
What Howard? Did you fail history or something? Kennedy, King, Kennedy, all Democrats. Not likely we Democrats organized those atrocities. Any ideas?
Here is an idea, shut up if you don’t know what you are talking about. You named 2 Democrats, 2 in the history of the world. Howard didn’t mention those guys but if you did your research you would understand his comments. The leftist are the dirtiest people on the planet and we are now seeing people leave their party in droves because of the way you fools are acting. Here is an idea, grow up and get to work! Or like Howard said, leave! It really is that simple. We’ll be better off if you just leave. Bye!
You’re under the spell of Rush Limbaugh, Michael (Wiener) Savage and Alex Jones, the three most unscrupulous liars in America.
Good Idea, I am a Liberal but this idea never my mind. Hmm, what is the reason to do that? Oh, the freedom from Fear. I see this Moron as a treath to every living thing on this Planet and I want to get rid of it.
You are too disabled to copy three sentences from the New American Nazi Handbook. Try again focus on the third sentence and remember sentences begin with a capital letter. Also the syntax in this sentence reflects the fact that you dropped out of elementary school after failing third grade four times. But cheer up, Trump loves the undereducated.
you, sir, are a pos.
get your head out of your ass you ignorant moron . not too smart i see. son brainwashed. maybe you didn’t realize what he was when you voted for him and now too embarrassed to admit it. he’s a con man. this is real. this is a game for him. he has to be stopped. not a party problem, a real problem. he must be removed immediately. at least democrats worried about the little guy, not just what’s in it for them . can’t you see what trump and his racist cabinet are up to. history will repeat itself if not stopped. why can’t you see what is happening. oh i forgot you can’t see because your head is up your ass
You’re the nut job if you actually believe any of that crap. You need to just calm down. If you really feel that threatened then do what any smart person would do and leave! Good thing our country allows us to choose who we want and nobody is trying to steal your freedoms. You’re just too stupid to understand reality. Bring up any topic and I will destroy you on it. We the people are tired of crap from people like you who spew this crap and need to start being called out on your stupidity. Cheers.
You are the reason that brain transplants should exist!
I’ll provide an alternate perspective. My family survived pogroms, Stalin’s jail murders, Communist persecution, our family DNA in the concentration camp ashes and (more recently) a difficult immigration. When we came to the US we thought, because of our quest for freedom and most importantly, freedom of thought at any cost rather than any financial gain, we were ‘liberals’. After all, how could one not think so given our difficult choices to leave all behind in exchange? Apparently, not. In the last 30+ years we learned differently. We watched with dismay a gradual build-up of blind Western liberal hysteria in response to a (more) conservative rejection of non-functional utopian ideals embraced by too many of little experience (or even knowledge) with actual outcomes backed by blood-soaked history while living with ALL the benefits of an economic system they deride and political system based on ‘inalienable rights’ protecting their right to do so. We questioned Obama’s anointment but once elected, all other issues aside, we silently lived with his bit.
The country recently reacted to practical fall-out of his administration’s policies and attempts to elect a corrupt career politician and gosh darn it, it’s the end of the world. Here’s a newsflash for you – it is not. It was not the Republican party that got Trump elected, it was a candidate for those voting against Clinton and rejection of what DNC had to offer gathered under the next available ticket which did it – independents, new/never before voters, first-time non-Dem voters (who might return of offered a better option), minorities (of every flavor/color/sexual preference/education level) and yes, conservatives. A handful of lunatics here and there does not critical mass make no matter how much one repeats it. One does not need to see my State Dept friend’s reaction to Benghazi (it mattered to him), Wikileaks pantsing of HRC’s underworld, concerns of law enforcement families in the recent years or even closely follow world events to get it. Politics are a pendulum and this country’s population voted in someone who is not bound to anyone on the Hill. The dissatisfaction level was high enough to wake up otherwise passive sectors of US voters and it did not bode well the democrats. Bitter pill to swallow but that should not be our problem. These borderline psychotic rants about prevention of Trump’s presidency are doing more harm to ‘the cause’, however self-congratulatory they are. Deal with it privately as we did with Obama’s election. Be grateful when you might have more money for therapy animals and play clay as a result of his policies or knock on doors if this does not happen. Take a step outside of the echo chamber and stop pegging people with insulting labels as the only way to feed your cognitive dissonance. If Trump fails the votes will swing differently in the next election cycle.
As for my parents, myself and others who have a more intimate understanding of the nightmarish echoes of the impractical and freedom-stifling regimes we escaped promoted louder and louder by the globalists in the last decade, we find comfort in the freedom of choice our votes provided and liberal unhinged hysteria and violence confirmed. I wish there was a way to impart our collective experiences on Olear but alas, no such luck. Besides, he would not be remotely interested, fingers wrapped tightly around his Starbuck’s cup, typing frantically on the latest tablet, warmed by his superiority only stoking sjw embers may provide. I hear it’s the same sensation a crack addict might experience from the first hit leaving him yearning for more, but I digress. Ignore history if you must, but there are enough people in this country (yes, so many of us immigrants) who do remember, having lived with and through alternatives. We are not remotely alarmed and just want to get on with our lives and see what the new administration has to offer. Find a more constructive outlet for your disappointment and do something about your voter base for the next round of elections. Isn’t this the advice doled out by the winners of 2008 and 2012 elections? I won’t bother with searching out Greg Olear’s commentary archive but perhaps his breathless supporters might find some useful advice nuggets there to get them through the next few years. Freedom of speech was becoming the thing of the past. How well we remember that. “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire. What one considers an absurdity is ‘a matter of opinion’ for some but last presidential elections give a good clue about preponderance of electoral votes’ definition.
Having written all this, to further lift my mood I’ll go and re-read Julian Gough’s brilliant post-mortem review of PostCapitalism by Paul Mason (thankfully not the hawt ‘hipster Santa’ model from Toronto) and remember that at least not all of the world has gone mad.
I don’t like Starbucks.
Victrola2016 – forgive it in advance if your story is true.
I have a lot of empathy for anyone who survived the Holocaust, or had family perish in that event.
All that said, there is something about your post that smacks of someone paid to be a troll.
Why would you possibly be so hostile to the Left, the Dems, Progressives, etc. I am not buying it.
Trump acts like a fascist dictator in the making. He has Steve Bannon panderer in chief to the Alt Right – sitting at his side and in his ear. Bannon is behind hateful memes, fake news, rumors and it goes back a few years. That’s all I have to say. Why would anyone with relatives in the Holocaust be so caustically defending Trump and attack writers and thinkers who feel Trump is leading us down the garden path to a dictatorship. Trump attacks the Press. Hallmark of a budding fascist.
This moron is going to be in complete control of everything thats detrimental to America. He will have access to highly confidential information, the secrets of our Country, and the spies hes putting in control of staff and security is a situation like no other. Russia will gain access into America with the help of the neonazis backing Drumpf. Seeing that DTs grandfather was deported/kicked out of his Hitler based country of Germany one must ponder DTs real agenda of being in the most powerful position of America.
NOTMYPRESIDENT, Totally agree with you on this.
“Not your president” ha “then not your country” simple as that. You true patriot you are. Go try another country and then tell me how you feel about it. I didn’t like Obama but I respected him or at least the office. You people are ridiculous. Don’t participate then when things get turned around. People have spoken and he is your president.
That is where you are wrong the people (plural)and millions more of them, voted for clinton over trump. It is only because of the EC (which should never have ever been started, that trump is now sitting in the highest position in this country. One he has absolutely no experience in, and definately not the temperment for besides the fact he has already made more enemies for this country in the shortest amount of time and for no good reasons. Besides that hes more concerned about taking care of his friends in business(and his own)) in the long run) and temper tamtrums tgen taking care of running the country. So no he really is not our president i am not any political party i vote for who i think is best of the two but he should not sit where he is and our country will suffer big(except for the rich business owners) for him being in the white house. I see him taking from all the poor and all the while his business friends get taxes cut. Oh and for all of those that thinks anyone that is or ever has been in need of food stamps or help from government financially, tgat they are lazy and are wanting to take and as ive read sponge off others well i paid taxes for many many years but after my husband almost killed me i had to go on aid etc. Till my kids were able to go to school and i could go to work so there are alot of people that arent on it because they want to be but would be hurting if it wasnt there to help when they needed it and alot of children would be homeless. As soon as i could go to work i did then many years later i had a great job working for the state but i was hit by a drunk driver and broke my neck my c2 damaged many disks in my spine among other things i broke and lost my 6 year daughter and i was laid up for years and had to have alot of surgeries and am now diabled because of it and again i needed help in the form of food stamps so there are many people, for many legitimate reasons, who need to ask for help and its a real shame when we cant help another human being that needs it especially when there are so many blessed abundantly in this country, or are those of you that are calling those names and are very blessed(more so than you will EVER need in your lifetime, to selfish and selfserving to do so.
That is where you are wrong the people (plural)and millions more of them, voted for clinton over trump. It is only because of the EC (which should never have ever been started, that trump is now sitting in the highest position in this country. One he has absolutely no experience in, and definately not the temperment for besides the fact he has already made more enemies for this country in the shortest amount of time and for no good reasons. Besides that hes more concerned about taking care of his friends in business(and his own)) in the long run) and temper tamtrums then taking care of running the country.also he loses his temper si easily there are many,me included very afraid to have him that close to tge nuclear codes. So no he really is not our president and definitely NOT mine. I am not any political party i vote for who i think is best of the two but he should not be sitting in the place hes sitting in right now and our country will suffer big(except for the rich business owning friends of his)because of it . I see him taking from all the poor by getting rid if programs to help tge u.s.’s poorest americans and all the while his business friends get taxes cut. Oh and for all of those that thinks anyone that is or ever has been in need of food stamps or help from government financially, that they are lazy and are wanting to just take and that they are just sponging off others. well, i paid taxes for many many years but after my husband almost killed me i had to go on aid etc. Till my kids were able to go to pre-school and i could go to work so there are alot of people that arent on it(aid) because they want to be, but it would be hurting alot of people and children if it wasnt there to help when they needed it and alot of children would be homeless. As soon as i could go to work i did then many years later i had a great job working for the state but i was then hit by a drunk driver and broke my neck my c2, damaged many disks in my spine, among other things i broke and lost my 6 year daughter i also was laid up for years and had to have alot of surgeries and am now diabled because of it and again i needed help in the form of food stamps temporarily, so there are many people, for many legitimate reasons, who need aid from the government( and noone knows when the next car accident or ? Happens then the person who may need help may be you and hopefully itll still be there just in case you(??) do, and its a real shame if or when we cant help another human being that needs it especially when there are so many blessed abundantly in this country, or are those of you that are calling those names and are very blessed(more so than you will EVER need in your lifetime, to selfish and selfserving to do so. P.S. just so you trump supporters know, trump hasnt even been in office two weeks and there is already a petition with over 1,000,000 signitures to get him IMPEACHED :) i really hope for the sake of the country it happens
No, see that is where I am right. Get over the majority thing. If anything you should be mad at the dems who didn’t vote. The majority of the people in this country didn’t vote. The majority of the the states voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump. He won in a landslide and it wasn’t even close. The majority of counties in this country, who at one time voted for Obama voted for Trump in this election. Have you seen the map? And since when did the popular vote in this country elect a president? The popular vote doesn’t count for shit so why do you people bring it up? I think I know and that is because you got it so wrong all the way leading up to the election and so you say that to cover your behind and make it seem like it’s important and that’s why everyone thought she was going to smash donald trump. Wrong! Donald Trump won by the rules of the election. The rules that have been in place since the start of this country. Perhaps you don’t like our forefathers either? If perhaps you don’t understand the electoral college then maybe you need a history lesson. I bet you think that we should just have California and New York vote and just say forget the rest of the people living in the Midwest or the south. Grown ups didn’t pull the shit when Obama won and many of them felt like you did and that he was a threat to this great nation but they handled themselves more professionally than this garbage we see today coming from the liberal left. Trump isn’t here to take aid away from those who need it. Tell me where he has said that. He does however want rid the system of corruption and fraud from those who are taking advantage of it which would help the country And would help those more who actually do need it. It also sounds like you have something against capitalism. This isn’t a Robin hood fairytale with donald stealing from poor. You see, in a capitalistic society those who work hard and strive for it are rewarded. There is no limit to what someone can make. You earn it for yourself. People have choices, the real issue is most of the time people make shitty choices and then ask for a bail out when they discover that they make terrible choices. And don’t call me entitled. I worked extremely hard for what I have and will continue to do so because that’s the real American dream. No one is taking that away. Perhaps donald understands that better than these liberals and it’s just absurd that he is going to infringe on our constitutional rights like the people on the left do like you who thinks we should abandon the electoral college. And most good people which are most people like to help others. Nobody is going to stop helping others. That being said, it’s nature vs nurture, and nature always wins. It’s a dog eat dog kind of world and those who are the softest aren’t going to make it. I don’t care what country you live in. It is survival of the fittest, people just don’t like to admit it. Now, you’re probably upset, mostly because I am making good points, but here’s what you do. Start by proclaiming your love for this country again and recognize that we have it better than anywhere else in the world. Stop watching the liberal trash that is on the news and accept Trump as the president for at least the next four years. I’m not asking you to like it, but remember we’re Americans first. The inauguration is about coming together and putting Americans first. Then realize that you are with the rest of society and ask what you can do to make it better for the next four years. Quit being so easily misinformed and so easily butt hurt by a man that probably will never affect your day-to-day living. You have no facts or reason to believe anything you stated. It’s just gossip from the ill-informed leftist who would rather burn down their own cities before having something intelligent to add or finding any true solutions to their own problems. So, unless you have ANY reasonable proof on how Donald is going to take away what you have, maybe you pay attention more, work on educating yourself and hop on board before you get left behind. Good day.
Not mine!
To the Trumpets: There are none so blind as those who will not see.
You, sir, are a miracle. Please don’t stop. Yours is the most cogent, lucid, viewpoint I’ve seen yet. I’ve been searching, and now I have found. Please rock on. You can help lead us out of this mess.
Thanks so much. I’m certainly trying.
Pingback: President Rapist | The Weeklings
I encourage all to go to for a list of companies to boycott per association with trump products or per promoting his campaign. Much satisfaction to be had in watching this pig loose millions. Would it not be sweet justice to have him impeached AND broke?
Just very scared. He is insane and needs to be stopped! We are so lucky to live in America and he will ruin it all.
I’m in what’s the plan!
Is it true the Trump hotel at the old post office building in washington dc is infested with plague ridden rats?? Wow maybe his other properties are that funky.
They are on the same team. ( TRUMP controls Obama and Hillary)
Iran/Benghazi/Russia Hack ( TREASON)
“You have to take out their families” are his real repeated premeditated terrorism. ( To trick the USA, into voting to support his terrorism).
Each promotes terrorism:
classifying Fort Hood as “workplace violence” (encourages), /Obama
Sets up at golf course after soldiers attacked / Obama
Funds Irans Leadership after they say they want to destroy America / Obama
What difference does it (their lives) make, / Hillary
Funds ISIS / Hillary
National security (lives and military jeopardized for years / Hillary
You have to take out their families / Trump
Military will not refuse my orders even if they consider them illegal / Trump
Torture or worse / Trump
Whether you voted or not, and for whom, everyone needs to speak out.
Remove Donald John Trump Sr., Identify him nationally and internationally as (that man of sin) that means demonic, evil, sadistic, torturous, treasonous, terrorism radicalizer, and you know the list, of willful unrepentant sin, he is freaking evil.
Trump is death. All nations need to reject him, he is a criminal and has already committed treason against the USA (YOUR LIVES / OUR MILITARY) before the election, he must be removed.
Electors must be warned. Military cannot serve, with his prior divulged, repeated, terrorism plan to target “families”. Families identifies them from “terrorist”, he wants to kill. The evidence is on video for the world /enemies.
One simple question to your ridiculous post. Name the treason he has committed?
Asking Russia to hack the same classified information Hillary ( his demon ) had originally put in a bathroom for years on national TV. Which repeated the same treasonous crime (for the exact same information) and additionally jeopardized you, and your family / military / classified information / assets / national security and people / American’s lives again, by doing so.
Oh please. Don’t act like for a second that Russia has been hacking our country and institutions and elections for a long time and so have many other countries. We do the same thing. We don’t hide some of our attempts to influence elections in other countries and to overthrow governments either. As the dems have been saying for a long time and will agree with me is there is no proof that Russia hacked our voting machines. It’s been all over the news amid Trumps claims and investigation into it, remember? What proof do you have that he incited it and in fact gave them information? Proof that could convict be in a court of law. Not a video of him saying it in satire, that’s not proof and is admissible in court. Name me the lawyer who is going to take that case. It’s not going to happen because there is no legal way to tie Trump to the reason that Russia did in fact “hack” our election. Wake up snowflake, you got nothing.
Im not going to watch him sworn in, Im going to listen to music, I will not watch any of his spewing, He loves the media, he thrives on it, when he pulls what he did to them the other cay calling them fake news etc. the entire News people there should of stood up and walked out, No media is also good media. There is freedom of new and speach, and he has that right to but if he continues I will not longer play into his attention seeking games. I think mentally he is not fit, he needs to get a good mental health check up and if he passes all the then he needs to learn respect, manners, and grow the hell up
I’m one pissed off liberal but it’s not at Trump, it’s at other liberals. I’m not a nasty liberal, I’m not a thinking about blowing up the White House liberal….I’m ashamed of those type so called liberals. We are making ourselves look like pathetic, mentally ill idiots. When did we decide the term “actions speak louder than words” no longer holds any weight? I realize many people are hurting but our actions are way off and so far based on nothing but words. Rather than put so much angered energy toward a man that won legally everyone should be placing their energy toward the Electoral College, it’s outdated and doesn’t reflect the will of the people….CHANGE IT. We all can do it and if we don’t the same thing will happen again. It blows my mind that people keep focusing energy toward an elected individual that is in office solely because of the EC and forget or just don’t care about the only reason he got elected. Forget Trump, he is our president for the next 4 years, like it or not. Change the EC so this can never happen again. Do it now or we’re living what will certainly happen again.
You are correct but who do we go after to change it?. What are the chances that can happen with Hitler in the white house? Throwing money at a problem DOESN’T WORK.
I think you are absolutely right the EC needs getting rid of so a persons individual vote counts
However we dont necessarily have to be stuck with trump if we impeach him. Trump does not want to show his taxes even when told he could i think we need to make him show all of his taxes because there is a reason he doeant want too and if it can be shown he defrauded the government, well, then we can IMPEACH!!!
Trump is going to start a war he is a peace of shit I want to know what the people that voted him think they won’t be so happy when they lose their house he is not going to shit for them all the billionaires in his cabinet should loan trump the money for the wall let Mexico pay them back not the tax payers trump is a big lire and a billionaire who will use any one
The people have to go to Washington and throw out trump and the rest of his billionaires assholes . Throw them out with just their under wear and piss on all of them so drink a lot of water
He is not my president he is not fit to hold that position. He acts like a spoiled little boy having a tantrum after he hears things he doesnt like the sound of. He needs to be impeached hes not running tge country hes more concerned about what people are saying about him a
Still. We need to force him to show his tax returns ge must have something illegal in them or he would have no problem showing them and if its proven that he defrauded the government then we can impeach.
Oh my God, you dems and libs are so dumb. Are you seriously reading the posts on here. There is one decent one, victrola, I’ll give credit where it is due, although I disagree with some of it but on the basis of the problem you’re mostly right. But if you folks would listen instead of acting like a child, some of which are accusing the very same thing Trump is doing, which he isn’t nearly as absurd as the comments and contents on this stupid site. You are seeing what a more presidential Trump looks like. People are tired of your stupid crap. More people than ever are now leaving the Democratic party and the liberals because it has gone too far left. As of right now, you don’t have a party. You’re losing positions in government like quarters in a slot machine. There is nothing you can do now that the election is over. I’ve been waiting on a reasonable argument on how you’re going to get rid of Trump but so far I have yet to hear one. And no, the electoral college isn’t going anywhere. Popular vote has never determined an election. Newsflash, this is not a democracy, I know some people are now sad and confused, but it’s an elective Republic. Don’t you see that Trump doesn’t want to destroy the constitution either. He’s actually enforcing laws already in place. There is finally a, dare I say “politician” who is actually following through on what he said he was going to do. How refreshing, I mean really. Then you all act surprised about it? He’s been campaigning on it for over a year. I Quit listening to the crap that is fed to you by mainstream news and wake up. Get to work and support the country and ALL the people in it. Be a grown up. Nothing you can do EXCEPT, get your act together and promote a good candidate next election. Run on the issues and specific policies. Quit using racism and all the other “isms” and start promoting logical ideas and how you can get it done. Talk about economics and promote your arguments with facts. There will be another election I promise. So what can you do between now and then? Shut up and listen more, read more, and then wait your fucking turn.
We have got to get rid of this insane and I do mean insane idiot before he destroys all that we hold sacred! Please everyone get behind what is the most important thing you will ever have a voice in. Donald Trump is the most dangerous individual on this plant. Believe this and act now while we still have a chance to stop the carnage he is causing . This man has never cared about or done anything in his entire life that did not benift him. He cares about no one including his family, accept him. Never has never will. It is all about him and him only!! Please take action now to get rid of him before the destruction is more than we can deal with!!
when is america waking up to the fact that trump is a mouth piece for bannon a nazi and a kuklukclan lover we are in deep troubel; with this naZI REGIME .i saw it all before with hitletr banning the pres is the startr look at turky when are the republicans waking up i ges when there bank ballens is full. i hope he will be removed wit all his nasty nazi troup.
Dear mrs Potter,
Apart that I agree with you, I would like to speak or mail with.
I live in the “Armenmolen” in Neeritter Netherlands and I am trying to put the history of this little village on paper. Because I’m trying to write a book about the historic centre of the village, stating when te houses were built, what families lived in those houses and what kind of professions had the inhabitants. Now I am trying to make a familytree of all the poeple that once lived in Neeritter. And I heard from mr Walpot that you once lived in the watermill “Armenmolen”.
Could you contact me?
Best regards,
Nico de Waal
Donnald trump and Putin are gay donnald trump is also a child predator and child killer donnald trump wants to kill all humanity and destroy planet earth donnald trump is Satan donnald trump needs to be killed and die and burn in hell donnald trump hates all humanity
Donnald trump and Putin are gay donnald trump is also a child predator and child killer donnald trump wants to kill all humanity and destroy planet earth donnald trump is Satan donnald trump needs to be killed and die and burn in hell donnald trump hates all humanity
this guy is going to ruin all we have worked for .this is not a communist country. that is what he wants.people need to wake up and see whats going on ..need to stop it now……
Donnie says that the theatre should be a safe space. Take the boor to a nice stage play in DC…Our American Cousin comes immediately to mind.
Donnie Trump is a Charlatan, a boor, a Philistine. He is not fit to be president of the good ‘ol us of a.
America…you are going to have to someday live this down. Live down the fact that some of you voted for a criminally minded tyrant. A Boorish loudmouth that spouted just want you wanted to hear…like a carnival huckster, a snake oil hawker. Convincing you to think he’s “got what it takes”. The man for the job, the man with the plan, the “straight talker”. The failed businessman. Now you see him for what he is, a self serving, treasonous, uncivil gas bag. The man has not a civically minded bone in his body. He does nor care about anything but his own interests. Take him on a nice open air limo ride down a cul-de-sac and drop his fat ass off. Take him to a stage play in DC…Our American Cousin comes immediately to mind