Love Letters from a Groupie: A Conversation with Pamela Des Barres


THE SNUG AND BRIGHTLY-HUED CASITA sits a few blocks off of Venice Beach, with its legendary boardwalk bustling with tourists, skaters, Rastafarians and the occasional dude in grape smugglers breezing by on roller skates.

Inside the home’s cozy confines, an imperious painting of Walt Whitman greets visitors, along with myriad pictures and pillows spangled with the visages of Elvis and James Dean. This is the residence of Pamela Des Barres, the world’s most famous groupie and the first woman to actively celebrate that distinction, audaciously repelling its prejudicial associations and instead redefining groupie culture as a mutual celebration between artists and fans, occasionally involving sex.

And what sex she had. Among her lovers, Pamela counts some of rock and roll’s most influential players, including Jimmy Page, Mick Jagger and Keith Moon. She got high with Jim Morrison, confided in Gram Parsons and she fronted an all-girl band—The GTOs—under the tutelage of Frank Zappa, all the while, fastidiously maintaining a collection of richly-detailed diaries that would eventually inform her bestselling debut, I’m With the Band: Confessions of a Groupie.

That book not only shattered commercial estimates, but it cast Pamela as a celebrity in her own right, seeing her featured on television, radio and magazines. Anything but a spectator’s craven attempt to magnify her role in someone else’s story, I’m With the Band unfurled in warm, witty and thoroughly engaging prose, as Pamela told her own story, which just happened to boast a supporting cast of the most influential rock stars of the 60s and 70s. Where other biographers took on the storied careers of these men, Pamela painted them in rich vignettes, colored by their involuntary mannerisms, their vulnerabilities and the offhanded expressions that easily flowed in their intimate, unguarded moments.

She proceeded to write a follow up and two additional non-fiction titles, and in addition to her own writing career, Pamela currently teaches memoir writing workshops across the US, she gives guided rock and roll tours of Hollywood, and she recently her own clothing line. We sat down with Pamela to discuss her books and to talk about some of her enduring memories from those halcyon days of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll.




How did your first book come to light?

Stephen Davis had interviewed me for Hammer of the Gods, and at the same time, I was taking one of my many, many creative writing classes. I had always kept that up because I knew I was going to write someday. After he interviewed me about Zeppelin, he said, “You know, you should write your own book because you have some amazing stories.” Meanwhile one of my writing teachers had just suggested the same thing to me because I had written about my early Stones experiences. She said, “Oh my God… you’ve got to write this.” So it was a double whammy. I just started writing—on a typewriter, because this was 1985—and I sent it all over the place. I found an agent to help me, and everybody turned it down.


Eventually though, a publisher grabbed it.

Right. After Hammer of the Gods came out, which was a huge success, one of the companies who had turned my book down the first time—William Morrow—signed it. It came out in 1987 and it became a bestseller, which was a shock. When you write a book, you never know. You never know if anyone’s going to buy it at all!


I'm with the bandWhen you were writing it, who did you see as your audience?

Peers, mainly. At least at that time, although I had no idea that it went across all ages. I just saw music lovers, peers and people interested in the 60s, because they always seem to be around. It’s going to get even bigger, I think. The longer the time passes, the mythologies become more and more unbelievable. But I just wanted to write. I just wanted to get the story out, for whomever might be interested, because it was a very special time—a special city, special age group that I was in, everything. Everything was perfect and I just wanted to share that.


The expression “Sex, drugs and rock and roll,” has become somewhat ubiquitous now. You were one of the people who tapped into all three of those. Was there ever any concern on how much or how little you wanted to disclose?

I was worried about my dad reading it, and one of the reasons that I didn’t start writing it until he passed away was because he would not be able to handle it. (laughing) I was worried enough about my mom, but she and I were so close and she knew a lot of it already. But as far as the people I was writing about, no. No, because I was telling my story and my truth and I’d never busted anyone on anything. No one got upset. No, I just told the story from my truthful point of view. And I had a lot of diaries so I remembered things in pretty good detail, and I used a lot of diary entries, which I think brought a lot of people into the moment.


And it did become very successful. Were you surprised?

Yes, I was very surprised, because you have no idea if anything’s going to sell. And in those days, luckily they put me on the road. Most authors don’t get to go on the road anymore, but they put me on the road first-class all the way. It was the first groupie book, and I didn’t realize it was any kind of big deal, but I got on the Today show, and Larry King, and the Tonight Show, so it was pretty fabulous. Exhausting, but fabulous.


How did it feel to suddenly be the center of attention in the way that so many of the people you wrote about were?

Fun. (laughs) It was a lot of fun. Of course, I got a lot of slings and arrows directed at me because I was talking about sex. Not even so much drugs. It was such an uptight climate at that time, the mid-80s, with AIDS and that sort of thing, that people were acting like I was out hooking on the street in some of the responses I got. It was really funny. In fact, the night I did the Tonight Show, Suzanne Somers was the host, unfortunately, and she actually said, “How did you meet these guys? Did you stand out on the street corners?” She actually said that on national television. My mother said that she wanted to strangle her. So I had to defend myself a lot of the time as well.


One Night BandThat couldn’t have been something you could have prepared for.

No, it wasn’t easy, but I grew strong through it. I had fun with it. I remember one particular lady on Phil Donahue, and she was just blustering, “Well how could you write about… such sexual… how could you!” She was so upset! This middle-aged, heavyset lady from God knows where, probably Nebraska—no offense to Nebraska—kept going on and finally I just said, “Look, I’m sorry you didn’t get to sleep with Mick Jagger, but I did.” It was fantastic! So I learned how to turn it around, and I got into that state of mind. I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong; I was just living my life and telling my story, and never hurt anybody. I realized that I had nothing to hide or nothing to be ashamed of.


Before your book the word “groupie” conjured an opportunistic…

It still does. I’m still trying to retrieve that word. My most recent book, Let’s Spend the Night Together, was about a bunch of other groupies. I’m still trying to set that word straight, because all it means is just a music lover who wants to be near the band. Period. That’s all it means, in whatever capacity. Sexual? Sometimes yes, but also friends, helpers, assistants, guides… we wanted to uplift and enhance these people who moved us so much. That’s all that a groupie is. They are music-loving muses.


That’s an interesting turn of phrase, because it puts the groupie on both sides of the creative process- they enjoy the music, and they also inspire it.

You love the music so much, and the men know that you love it. All men want to be revered and admired for what they do. Women do too, but men even moreso, OK? So with men, if you love and admire what they’re doing, if you understand what they’re doing and you comment on it, ask questions about it…if you’re beholden to them for what they create, then they want you around. They want to share it with you, they want you as part of their world, and that always made me feel good, because I could bring some joy into the lives of these people that brought me so much joy.


Pamela and Jimmy PageYou’ve met on a very personal, and occasionally intimate level, the biggest of the big in modern music. How did you do that?

I was in the right place at the right time with the right look and the right taste. Mick Jagger came up to Miss Mercy at a Burritos gig and said, “Please introduce me to your pretty friend.” That’s how I met Mick. Jimmy Page’s road manager came up to me at a Bo Diddley gig and handed me his phone number and said, “He’s waiting for you in room 605.” I didn’t have to go after these people. I was in the GTOs, I had an all-girl group, I was hanging out with Zappa, and I was in the thick of everything in Hollywood. People wanted to meet us. Early on, of course, I chased the Beatles, I tried to meet the Stones—and I did meet a couple of them when I was with Captain Beefheart—but I was just in the right place at the right time, but with the right attitude and the right love of the music, and my appreciation of what these people were doing was completely sincere.


Out of all of the well-known musicians that got to know, with whom did you have the deepest connection?

There’s so many… Well, Jimmy Page and I had an amazing affair that went on, and on, and on and it was deep and wild, and crazy, and tempestuous and fantastic, there was that romantic level. On other levels, Zappa was my mentor; he brought out in me all sorts of creativity I didn’t know I had. That was his main gift, I think. He insisted on it. He wanted you to be more of yourself than you’d ever really been, and he wanted to find out who you really were. He wanted everyone to be themselves, to a huge degree, and then he wanted to encapsulate that and share it with the world. So the fact that he wanted that out of me, was such an incredible gift. It made me want to express myself. The other person whom I still feel soulfully connected to is Gram Parsons, even though it was Chris Hillman who I was in love with, but Gram and I were soul mates. We just had an incredible connection.


Do you think that history has given Gram a fair shake?

Yeah, I think it’s going to get better and better. It’s gradual. But he’s not going anywhere, and his music’s not going anywhere. He’s heavily-featured in my new screenplay, and he would have liked that. I had always promised him, before death and after death, that I would carry his music to the world in any way that I could.


His eventual drug dependencies and some of the behavioral fallout of that habit have left him with somewhat of a complicated legacy. Where does the truth lie?

He was a gentle Southern boy—funny, brilliant… He knew what he wanted to do and he had a mission. That was mainly all he cared about, and unfortunately he got sidetracked by drugs, like so many others did. But his mission was to prove to the world that there was no separation in any type of music. The cosmic American music thing was real for him—he was connecting all the dots and he didn’t want there to be any separation between types of music and music lovers. He wanted to bring everyone together.


Pamela and Keith MoonTalk to me about Keith Moon. Do you think his over-the-top stuff behaviors were authentic, or could that have been something else?

Well it was certainly real—I was a participant in a lot of it—but he was a very complex individual, and a lot of stuff was submerged. He really wasn’t happy with himself, and it came out in all sorts of chaotic ways, but he was so generous, and sweet…just a delight, most of the time. Then there was the other side that you had to deal with for awhile until the happy side came out again. I always thought of the tears of a clown when I’d see him go through that. I had some amazing times with him and all of these other people.


Is it safe to be a groupie anymore?

It’s never been safe to be a groupie. Anyone who lives out of the box and who’s living their lives in a way that will inspire others to judge and point fingers and be envious of…that’s never safe.


How do you think it’s different today from when you were in the mix?

It’s more difficult to meet your dream man. I used to be able to just walk into the Whisky and sit on Ray Davies’ lap and wave to Pete Townshend. These were very special days. Somebody just put up for a auction some pictures of me, Miss Mercy and Gram Parsons all sitting in a booth at the Whisky, and I can’t afford to buy them and I’m very upset. Things like that come up and I’m like, “My God, there I am with Gram…” These are pictures I’d never seen before. People didn’t carry cameras around in those days. I certainly didn’t but if I did, I’d be rich right now. But you didn’t think of it back then, because you were so busy living that you didn’t want to stop to capture the moment. Now, people at gigs have their phones up and everything. It makes me sick! You’re missing the moment! Yeah, you may be capturing it to look at it later, but I don’t get it.


As a writer, how have you evolved from your first book through today?

I write the same way that I always have. I just express myself. I have no way of writing. I edit myself as I go along, every two or three pages, I like to make up words and bring people into my moments. I don’t have any set way that I write and I don’t know if it’s any better now than when I started.


Do you read any other works or authors for inspiration?

My heroes are Walt Whitman, I read him all the time, Rumi, Goethe…the spiritual masters are who I like to read. And Stephen King, he’s a spiritual master. I read all of his books. I read a lot. I have five books going all the time.


Among your own books, which has been your favorite project from a creative perspective?

I think my second book. I mean I’m With the Band is a classic, and I’m proud of it and I love it, but Take Another Little Piece of My Heart: A Groupie Grows Up, was my life after that heyday. It was harder to write, and there was a lot of growing up to do in there, as well as a lot of death—my dad, my best friend, my marriage breaking up, raising a child who was troubled and gifted and amazing. It was a lot deeper and because of that, my second book is my favorite one. And it’s probably the least read, too, but at least they’re all in print.


Tell me about your workshops.

They’re writing workshops and they’re completely interactive. I teach in L.A. and I travel all around the country, teaching groups of women how to express their inner being. I started with men and women, but the women didn’t open up enough, so now it’s just women, and we do memoirs and creative writing. I have a class now with people who have been coming for five years. I have groups all across the country, often with the same girls, but new ones join all the time. I have some who have been coming for seven years in New York and Austin. Then they get to know each other, and it’s a magical experience. They’re all kindred spirits and music lovers. It’s a very different kind of writing experience. I’m so grateful that I’m able to transmit this kind of experience for so many women.


Looking back on your career both before and after your debut, what would you say gave you the biggest surprise?

I was surprised all the time. I’m surprised everyday. If you stay cognizant and awake and you expect a miracle, you’re going to get them all day, and I still do. I’m still surprised every time I fall in love. My life has been a big treat— a big, wonderful cake with icing running down both sides, you know?

Pam Portrait Amanda Milius

About Joe Daly

Joe Daly (@JoeD_SanDiego) is a regular contributor to the UK's Metal Hammer, Classic Rock and Bass Guitar Magazine, and he provides commentary, reviews and industry insight to many other outlets in the US and abroad. Joe has contributed to several books and he has won awards for his interviews with icons like Slash, Chuck D. and bands like Motley Crue and Slayer. Joe also digs photography, running and speaking to his dogs in silly voices.
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5 Responses to Love Letters from a Groupie: A Conversation with Pamela Des Barres

  1. Pingback: pierspenniless

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  3. John Connell says:

    You are so good looking even today.

  4. Ida says:

    God bless you to let us all in about the 60s.fascinating I can’t stop reading ur books and interviews.on utube.ny favorite ismr.mojo.rising& moon the loon.when I come to west coast I want to go on 1 of ur tours.thankyou so much idasea.from.gloucester ma.

  5. Kojpi says:

    Monday Night at the gay and lesbian Community Center of South Florida

    Monday night at the gay and lesbian Community Center of South Florida is better than even Saturday night at the hottest bar. Host Laurie Weiner creates an opportunity for meetings of the Women Rap Group, Where you not only get to meet and chat with a couple dozen women of all flavors but you hear the gory details of the many relationships that got pointed in the windowless room. most women delight in sighing and moaning about their new loves and share every detail from courting to very dramatic breakup. You can meet the woman you want; Get dating advice from group; illustrate trials, hardships, And smart sex; think about how to dump her when she gets crazy; And then regale the group with stories of her psychoses until you finally move on. In lesbian a moment, That process usually takes a month or more. prior to Miami Sol folded after the 2002 season, Broward and Palm Beach dykes had to trek down to the AmericanAirlines Arena to watch women watching the ball game, Hoping to meet the loves of their lives wandering around during halftime. without hesitation, It four bucks rrn the GLCC. instead of a halftime show, The center infamous security guard shows up without fail ten minutes before the end of the meeting to go to the sex talk that closes out every session. in the bottom of the night, Women who make a connection can follow the rest of the crew to Stork Bakery and Coffee House for more personal conversation.

    Our 2001 winner of the most useful Independent Cinema has the most gay themed films outside of a queer film festival, Making it a great place for boys with brains or a penchant for art films to hook up. The kiosk to the left of the concession stand beats out even Holiday Park for cruising. The four sided kiosk offers pencils and index cards for your suggestions, And the theater gallantly allows even the bad reviews to. Each film gets a unique side of the square. need to a snob, Make fun of the spelling and grammar mistakes on the handwritten reviews and see who will follow you. To find a shared spontaneity, See who laughs at the comments you do. If he cute and you don care about any devices, Just check out which film he intrigued in and follow him into the theater. Whether you shy or vivid, The reviews give you a dozen easy ice breakers cover anything from, You seen of film yet? To all have his other movies on DVD. for the boys are, strongly. vast majority of legendary South Florida venues for such frolicking (sweaty the Marlin Beach Hotel, Club caribbean) Are long gone, But the tradition lives on in a great many incarnations, including the Sea Monster Tea at Sea Cruise. Next comes a two hour Intracoastal excursion, filled with one free drink onboard, a great number of cash bars, DJ music booming from a state-of-the-art sound system, And periodic contests ( Tanline was a recent sort). this all is hosted by dragster about town Rickie Lee. that’s why it costs a mere $20. A bonus is that you get to make catty remarks about the estates of the rich and famous along the way, As well as time to look down upon all the little people in their little boats.

    You can take that ill mannered wench from across the road raiding the fridge while watching the kids for only so long. Eventually, You have to break down and call the pros. Sitters in a Second employs more than 100 baby sitters in Palm Beach County to keep track of the brats while you at the dance club. The company screens potential sitters and checks references before it dispatches the people who can assist you enjoy your first night on the town since God knows when. beneficial, You pay more for the good qualities: Sitters in a Second charges a subscription fee of up to $200 per family and then as much as $16 an hour. the newborn child sitter conglomerate, In its ninth year in company, Mostly employs folks more than 18 yr old and lays down some Ward Cleaver style rules. among them: Sitters are a no-no to bring over sweethearts, Meaning you won have to her (Or the pup) Locking braces with a boy/girlfriend to your couch.

    abject, down market, Sleazy, Slutty, Whorish. It would take a linguistic surgeon to discern the little difference among the terms. continues to be, You know cheap when you see it. At the cost Inn on Federal Highway, they offer two rooms of Austin Powers like, Circa deceptive, Disco queen mind trip. Slip into few platform heels, Slide perfect into a vinyl mini, And don massive, tinted, Rimless sunlight, Then rendezvous using inner bad girl. For $99 a night on weeknights or around $125 on saturdays and sundays, You can rent a room with a heart shaped bed that has sides upholstered in red vinyl. high a red, Heart shaped Jacuzzi for two nearby and XXX movies on those great tv 24 hours a day. your entire room is lighted with warm, cheap, Slut seeking highlights. It have you feeling cheap, sure.

    One of the best things about living in South Florida, If you really it, Is taking your own boat. Another of the most effective things is, let me tell you, Having a colleague who owns a boat. But what about the in betweeners, Those with a few bucks if not enough for their own yachts, Enough for some self luxury? That where the anticipations IV (110 feet extremely) And concern V (80 feet good) may be found in. There a dizzying array of combination packages make your choice from: new adult and bar/bat mitzvah, business enterprise and, And wedding mail, similarly silver, sterling silver, And platinum improvements. All include an open bar, Hors d and event. For activities, at this time there a DJ and an MC. Floral agreements are included on all tables, And the pilot home is open for tours. however, you make payment for dearly for such lavishness, But isn that the particular? top notch corporate and wedding packages start as low as $5,687 (A silver enhancement for 50 guests) And go as high as $13,249.50 (A platinum eagle upgrade for 100 guests), While young adult and bar/bat mitzvah packages with charmingdate review upgrades range from about $5,989.50 for $10,829.50, Also about the number of guests and the kind of upgrade. And specifically, you may well ask, Does human body,come to be include? A $200 fuel penalty, $250 dockage price, 6 percent sales tax, And 20 percent service plans charge. should you want extra time on the water, It prorated constant, and throw in a second DJ for $200. also, And did we tell the $2,500 deposit found it necessary to reserve the charter, positive $2,000 as a damage deposit on some boat charters? Kinda makes the $3 per car parking fee seem small, Doesn this task?

    Ye gods! Who developed especially this clusterfuck? whoever it was, They should be dragged out into the street and shot as an example to other fast food chain architects. Anyone who approaches this benighted Wendy from sleep issues of the street will find he must drive around the building to order, Somehow slipping past the cars picking up food at of the question. But you’re able to A line begins forming out in the streets. Another line at the placing your order for area. another at the pickup window. Cars circling the whole mess to try and find a way in! Aiiieeeee! It enough to generate a fellow reach for his.357. i merely. decide. A cheese pizza.

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