Required Reading
- What’s Your Problem with Joe Biden?
- Dirty Rubles: An Introduction to Trump/Russia (My New Book)
- Youth for the President
- A Summary of the Conspiracy Against the United States
- Trump: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part 3)
- Postcards from the Resistance, Vol. 8: Mother of All
- From Lance Armstrong to Trump: The Rise & Fall of the Deified Narcissist
- Reading Malcolm X in Texas
- Playing the Donald Trump Game
- President Rapist: Women Under Trump
- An Open Letter to My Fellow Liberals
- The Democrats Can’t Win If They Won’t Fight
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Tag Archives: Salon
Paternity Leave
Anna March makes a case for voluntary parenthood—for both women and men. Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged abortion, adoption, Kerrie Thornhill, Laurie Schrage, Meher Ahmad, safe haven laws, Salon, voluntary parenthood
“It was my apartment, my kitchen, my refrigerator, my bookcases, my red bedroom and he found the beer I didn’t want him to find and he didn’t think of the alcohol as mine because all alcohol is really his. He walked back into my bedroom with a bottle of something and expected me to follow, or maybe not.” Continue reading
Posted in Welcome Kink
Tagged al anon, alcoholism, kink, Love, orgasm, Salon, Sara Finnerty, Sex
1 Comment
Rock and Roll Coffee: An Interview with Al Jourgensen
J.M. Blaine sits down with Ministry frontman Al Jourgensen for a no-holds-barred discussion of Ministry, Buck Owens, politics and going to church on Sunday. No foolin’. Continue reading
Posted in Rock and Roll Coffee, Saturday Music
Tagged al jourgensen, buck owens, church, death, industrial music, interviews, JM Blaine, ministry, paul mccartney, Salon, Saturday Music, tesla
Taylor Swift and Guys Writing About Music: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Is Taylor Swift being taken too seriously, or are certain music writers just sexist? James Greer investigates. Continue reading
Posted in Music
Tagged Jessica SImpson, Justin Bieber, Lizzy Goodman, Mark Guarino, Mumford And Sons, Salon, sexism, Taylor Swift