LET’S START WITH an obvious point: this is an impossible list to make. Impossibly subjective, impossibly unfair, impossibly quixotic. (And no, Don Quixote’s name is not here.) When you get right down to it, one could more easily make a list of the 50 greatest names in the works of Charles Dickens than a list of the 50 greatest names in all of literature. But I’m giving it a go anyway, because nothing makes me happier than a battery of “How can [insert your favorite name here] not be on the list? You suck!” comments.
A few notes on the process:
I’m not including plays (again, Shakespeare alone could have his own Top 50), poetry, most children’s literature (Dr. Seuss, ditto), or the books of the Bible (my relationship to the Catholicism of my childhood might look different if I didn’t decide, while still in elementary school, that Pontius Pilate had a much cooler name than did Jesus Christ).
Names culled from “the canon,” such as it is, generally carry more weight than more obscure works. To be truly great, the name must be inherently sublime and also come from a great source. I am aware that “the canon” carries a bias toward dead white European males—DWEMS, as they were lovingly called in the Women’s Studies classes I took in college—and for that I am sorry.
Similarly, the 50 names are culturally biased. They reflect the fact that I am a 40-year-old straight white man who went to public high school in the suburbs of north Jersey, who majored in English at Georgetown instead of, say, Sarah Lawrence, and who spent his formative years in New York City. Also, I have an aversion to the Beats.
In order to compensate for my narrow worldview, I’ve asked my fellow Weeklings editor Sean Beaudoin for input. Although he is also a fortysomething straight married white male who grew up in the outer suburbs of New York City and spent his formative years in Washington, D.C., he is from Connecticut, not New Jersey, and he thinks Jack Kerouac is rad.
I apologize in advance for everything you find wrong with this list, Dear Reader. And with that caveat, here are the 50 greatest literary character names of all time:
50. Moby-Dick
An English teacher once told me that Melville was gay and in love with Hawthorne, and the Great White Whale allegory concerns the author’s forbidden and unrequited lust for his friend. So there’s that. Bonus points for being the title of a Led Zeppelin song. And for Moby naming himself after a whale of a character invented by his forebear.
49. Sherlock Holmes, Professor Moriarty (tie)
This pair of monikers is so integral to the popular culture that it’s hard to separate the names from the Benedict Cumberbatch. But the case for their inclusion is elementary, my dear Watson. Extra credit to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for having the foresight bequeath his detective a name beginning with “shhh,” which both a) indicates quiet, pensive thought, and b) allows for the alliterative expression, “No shit, Sherlock.”
48. Binx Bolling
With this bizarre invocation, Walker Percy summons the strange and wonderful spirit of New Orleans in three magical syllables.
47. Patrick Bateman
“Patrick” is an underrated jerk name (sorry, friends of mine named Patrick, but it’s true; if it’s any consolation, “Greg” is also an underrated jerk name) and when you imagine our American psycho as a twisted sibling of Jason and Justine, it locates him beautifully in the pop culture. Sidenote: I want to form an 80s cover band and call it The Batemans.
46. Inigo Montoya
The perfect name. And not just because I was Inigo Montoya for Halloween last year.
45. Jay Gatsby
His name isn’t just great; it’s fabulous.
44. Benno van Archimboldi
I’m including the name of the reclusive German author whose mythology constitutes the engine of Roberto Bolaño’s epic 2666 because it’s an awesome name, but also because I’m a pretentious schmuck who wants you to know that he read 2666.
43. Michael Valentine Smith
Grok it.
42.Hannibal Lecter
What I love especially about The Silence of the Lambs is that the title is never realized; it’s just implied. Lecter’s analysis of the almost-as-well-named Clarice Starling: “You think if you can save just one, you can stop the awful screaming of the lambs.” That’s the closest to the title we come.
41. Count Dracula, Victor Frankenstein (tie)
As with Sherlock Holmes, it’s hard to conceive of a time when Dracula and Frankenstein did not exist, they are so far embedded in the culture. Incidentally, if you’ve never actually read them, these are both much better books than subsequent iterations of the two characters would lead you to believe. The Shelley family in particular is pretty astonishing.
40. Joe Christmas
A subtle derivation of “Jesus Christmas,” as in, “Jesus Christmas, this guy we thought was white is really black, so he must be the killer!”
39. Angela Argo
The well-pierced, punked-out femme fatale of Francine Prose‘s masterpiece Blue Angel—a novel you should not read when you are about to start teaching an undergraduate creative writing class, as I can tell you from experience—has a name that suggests the titular cherub and the vessel that conveyed Jason and the Argonauts to Colchis, where they fetched the Golden Fleece. Note to Hollywood: make a movie of this already.
38. Huckleberry Finn
An American classic. “Huck Finn” is easily switched to make “Fuck Hinn,” whatever that means. Points are deducted because the Rush song and Winona Ryder’s character in Heathers are both named for Tom Sawyer instead.
37. Scarlett O’Hara, Rhett Butler (tie)
Gone with the Wind is Exhibit A in the argument for Ho-Hum Epic Novels Make Better Movies Than Great Works of Literature. Either way, Margaret Mitchell came up with some dynamite names. And if you don’t agree, well frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.
36. Bigger Thomas
The only way this name could be better is if it indicated, instead of the ill-fated protagonist of Native Son, the star linebacker for the New York Giants. This would have been in the top five greatest pro football names of all time.
35. Jane Eyre
Immediately calls to mind the Brontë sisters, which calls to mind the daughters of Orson Scott Card, who are all named for Brontë sisters, which calls to mind how Card has become a homophobic asshole of Dubai skyscraper proportions, which is probably why Jane Eyre made the list and not 3Jane from Speaker for the Dead. And now that I’ve googled it, I see my memory is faulty, and 3Jane is from Neuromancer, not Speaker for the Dead. OK, then…
34. Lady 3Jane Marie-France Tessier-Ashpool
I defy you to come up with a better name for a cloned heiress to a technology fortune from the future. William Gibson is a fountainhead of cool names. If you’re starting a band, you’ll find a clutch of killer options in Neuromancer.
33. Randall Flagg
The best name in arguably Stephen King’s best book. I read this in junior high, and couldn’t come up with the name of another character in The Stand for all the vampires in Salem’s Lot. But this? This is gold! The double Ls and the double Gs. The way “Randall” reduces to “R and all” if you stare at it long enough. Mr. Flagg is the banner of pure evil.
32. Milo Minderbender, Major Major Major Major (tie)
Catch-22 is one of those rare books whose cleverness is almost too much to bear. Every sentence is constructed with such precision, for maximum comic effect. Example: “His mother was a Daughter of the American Revolution. His father was a Son of a Bitch.” The sheer density of its comedy prefigures current TV shows like Arrested Development and Archer. Interestingly, the character whose gory death provides the novel’s emotional wallop at the end has a name now familiar to anyone who reads the newspapers: Snowden.
31. Frankie Machine
A Sean Beaudoin selection: the hero of The Man with the Golden Arm, whose portrayal yielded a Best Actor nomination for Frank Sinatra. And if it’s good for Frank, it’s good for me.
30. Veruca Salt
I am breaking my own “no children’s books” rule, but I can’t fight the seether. Bonus points if there is a successful band named after the character.
29. Uriah Heep
Yes-man from David Copperfield and British band who do “Lady in Black.”
28. Eustacia Vye
Don’t take my word for it. “I read a lot of classical books, like The Return of the Native and all, and I like them, and I read a lot of war books and mysteries and all, but they don’t knock me out too much. What really knocks me out is a book that, when you’re all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it… I wouldn’t want to call Somerset Maugham up. I don’t know, he just isn’t the kind of guy I’d want to call up, that’s all. I’d rather call old Thomas Hardy up. I like that Eustacia Vye.”—J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
27. Svengali
Creepy, cultish Manson and Koresh-like guy from the novel Trilby, who keeps the young ingenue under his sinister spell. In other words, Tom Cruise sourcing Wife #4.
26.Monroe Starr
The only way the name of the Last Tycoon could be better is if Monroe were a woman. Monroe Starr and Jordan Baker should be the lead singer and guitarist in an all-girl band called East Egg.
25. Arthur Dimmsdale
On the (excellent) cartoon Fairly Oddparents, Timmy Turner lives in a town called Dimmsdale. That is the best fake town name ever. Even Gotham City isn’t that good.
24. Bucky Wunderlick
Great Jones Street is Don DeLillo’s best novel, and I’ll smash a guitar over the head of anyone who says otherwise.
23. Ramona Quimby
I know, I know; I’m breaking my own rule. But Jesus, Beezus, how can we leave Ramona off?
22. Robinson Crusoe
Defoe’s legendary shipwrecked protagonist makes the list every day of the week and twice on Friday.
21. Miss Havisham
We read Great Expectations my freshmen year in high school, and the teacher looked exactly like how Miss Havisham was described in the novel. Minus the wedding dress. On most days, anyway.

Bathsheba Everdene, in a drawing from the original magazine publication of “Far from the Madding Crowd”
20. John Galt
The answer to the question posed in the opening sentence of Atlas Shrugged is: “#20 on the list of the 50 greatest literary character names of all time.” And yes, I do realize that there is some conflict including Ayn Rand on a list of anything “literary.”
19. Tristam Shandy
I never read the book, but this name sounds like a really excellent dive bar of the kind that are quickly disappearing in Manhattan.
18. Lady Chatterly
When it comes to her name, I’m a lover.
17. Jeeves
Ask him.
16. Dorian Gray
A case in which a picture is worth more than a thousand words. The author of this Gothic masterpiece, Oscar Wilde, is himself endowed with one of the greatest literary names of all time, if we ever get around to making that list.
15. Mustapha Mond
Said to be a play on words: “Must have a monde,” or a world, and thus a hodgepodge of the Islamic, the Turkish, and the French: shorthand for the One World Government conspiracy theorists fear. Was Huxley on to something? Or was he just on something?
14. Ichabod Crane
I like to think this is the Headless Horseman’s name, although of course it’s not. Washington Irving was a maestro of naming things. He coined “Gotham” as a nickname for New York, and called its inhabitants Knickerbockers, thus inadvertently naming my favorite basketball team.
13. Pierce Inverarity
Oedipa Maas’s late lover and possible gateway to the realm of madness. All the words you can make with this: pierce, rarity, invert, verity. Next time, use W.A.S.T.E.
12. Bathsheba Everdene
One of the most memorable of Thomas Hardy’s strong, engaging female protagonists, this one from Far from the Madding Crowd. How could a strapping young shepherd like Gabriel Oak not fall in love with a lovely, strong lady with such an awesome name?
11. Lolita
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.
‘Nuf said.
10. Pip (Philip Pirrip)
A case in which the nickname and the full name from which it derives are equal parts funny and brilliant.
9. Atticus Finch
In the second grade at my daughter’s not-terribly-big school, there are two boys named Atticus. Two! Harper Lee FTW! Pretty much everyone in Mockingbird has an awesome name: Jem, Scout, Calpurnia, Boo Radley.
8. Jean Valjean
[sings] Who am I? Who am I? It certainly ranks higher than 2-4-6-0-1.
7. Lady Brett Ashley
I’ve had a thing for Brett Ashley since I first read The Sun Also Rises back in high school. The inversion—there are certainly more Ashley Bretts in the world than Brett Ashleys—the cropped masculinity of the first name that matches her cropped masculine haircut, the title that she doesn’t really want or need or care about…is this the sexiest female character name of all time? Isn’t it pretty to think so?
6. Big Brother
Easy to overlook, but certainly a character—one of the most relevant characters to our experience in this Age of Surveillance. He should feel the wrath of our two minutes’ hate, but also many hours of unqualified appreciation.
5. Holly Golightly
Worthy of breakfast at Tiffany’s, lunch at VanCleef & Arpel’s, and dinner at Harry Winston’s.
4. O
She’s at once zero and a perfect circle, an initial for climax and symbol for nothing, the sound of sweet pleasure and of unwelcome news understood. None of the other 25 letters—writ in however many shades of grey—could accomplish so much with so little.
3. Ebenezer Scrooge
Again, such a part of the culture that we take it for granted, but it’s even more apt than “Sherlock Holmes.” The last two syllables of the first name hint at “miser,” and the surname is a twist on “screw.” Dickens strikes again!
2. Hester Prynne
For coming up with the best female character name of all time, I give Hawthorne a (scarlet) A.
1. Humbert Humbert
“You can’t make this list and not have Humbert Humbert be #1,” declares Sean Beaudoin. As usual, Sean is right. And so the top spot goes to Nabokov’s greatest creation and literature’s favorite statutory rapist. He fits right in with the malevolent dictator, willing sex slave, egregious miser, and notorious adulteress who also populate the top six on the list. Which probably says more about me than it does about literature.
This is rad, rock star lit upon which I cannot improve.
Yet, if I may: Hercule Poirot, Lacey Rawlins, (and I know you are Beat-averse, but) Sal Paradise.
future bass player of the Batemans
Thank you, good sir. Hercule was on my short list. I am unfamiliar with Lacey Rawlins. No one named Sal can be on a list of best names, unless The Sopranos is involved.
I will be useless in the Batemans. My voice is too low to sing along. We’re gonna have to transpose everything, or else find a dude who can sing like Steve Perry.
Sherlock Holmes was originally named ‘Sherringford.’ Not quite as catchy. On an unrelated note, there are a few Holmes stories where Doyle gets Watson’s first name wrong. Due to the first person narration from Watson, it makes it look like he doesn’t know his own name…
Not as catchy, but way more British. I’m trying this now, and “Sherlock” is one of those words that sound the same in British and American English.
Watson’s first name is Doctor, innit?
Doctor John Hamish Watson.
I think Sherlock Holmes may be my favourite name in literature.
He is a good character, but yeah. I don’t like his name either.
Superb, Mr. Olear, despite the hundreds of complaints you will undoubtedly receive from those more pedantic than us. So here is an addendum from a collegial pedant:
Undine Spragg – An honorable mention really should go to Edith Wharton for the anti-heroine of her novel The Custom of the Country.
Thank you, sir. But I can’t allow Undine Spragg. That is one hideous, hideous name.
Hideous it is, indeed. Knowing that hideous names are disallowed, I withdraw the comment.
On second thought, hideous names should be allowed. Ebenezer Scrooge is a hideous name. Let us move Undine to the Honorable Mention circle.
Hooray for Miss Havisham and Pip (I also read Great Expectations in ninth grade), Brett Ashley, Binx Bolling and Humbert Humbert.
Do you have any honorable mentions that nearly made the list? Also, Lolita’s last name, Haze, is pretty great. If I were making my own list, I’d have chosen Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange and Oliver Twist.
Wow — I just realized DeLarge is his last name only in the movie. Time to reread.
Thanks for reading, Kate. I have a long honorable mention list…Poirot was on it…James Bond…more Dickens characters…not sure who else.
Dolores Haze, and her mother, Charlotte Haze, also a nice name.
These are wonderful choices, although with all the “Lolita” references, I think Clare Quilty deserves at least an honorable mention. And I do want to call attention to the missing “r” in #19 – The book’s title is “Tristram Shandy”.
Thank you so much for publishing this – it wraps up my love of names, books, and lists into one delightful package!
It should be noted that I suggested “Dim” from A Clockwork Orange” to Greg, and was rebuffed. I maintain that “Dim” may be the simplest, most organically perfect name of all time…
It’s the Armbrusters!
I’d like to add to the honorable mention list: Magnus Eisengrim [From “The Deptford Trilogy” by Robertson Davies] and Morgan le Fay…who evolved out of medieval folklore originally but what the hell.
Medieval or not, that’s an excellent name. Totally agree. Eisengrim is a good one, too, although the first name is a bit Harry Potterish for my tastes.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Sir Launcelot du Lac.
Ivan Illyich.
Ishmael (no, really).
Jupiter Jones.
Ah, I see you spent some time on this!
What’s great about Ishmael is that we’re not entirely sure that’s his real name. “Call me Ishmael” suggests that it’s a pseudonym. Which makes it even cooler. I love Melville. His writing to me reads like it was written two weeks ago; there’s a modern quality to it that’s stunning.
Thanks for commenting!
I love this piece, including all the various comments. Like any list, it’s impossible to narrow it down, but I admire the attempt. And, I totally agree about Melville: it’s more than a little ironic in that he was writing of and for his time (the biblical references, etc.) yet, was in a very real sense, ahead of his time. Readers can –and should– be surprised by how fresh and vivid his observations are!
Have you read his piece about the Galapagos? It’s outstanding.
No! I need to get on that!
Bertie Wooster.
The name has that sort of ring that wants to sustain his last name for longer that it would take Jeeves to mixup his “invigorating” mixture.
And even more so when it’s spelled out in full: Bertram Wilberforce “Bertie” Wooster. And yes, I did google it.
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment!
Any Woodhouse name is awesome!
I mean… Gussy Fink-nottle, Roderick Spode, Bingo Little…
What’s not to love? :)
Hal Incandenza from “Infinite Jest”, maybe? Also, “Infinite Jest” is, I think, one of the better novel titles of recent years.
You rock, Greg Olear!
Marnie! So nice to see you.
Incandenza is a good one, a bit like a Kerouac/Pynchon hybrid kinda name. DFW was good with titles. “A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again” is brilliant.
Assuming he came up with them himself, of course…
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These are wonderful choices, although with all the “Lolita” references, I think Clare Quilty deserves at least an honorable mention. And I do want to call attention to the missing “r” in #19 – The book’s title is “Tristram Shandy”.
Thank you so much for publishing this – it wraps up my love of names, books, and lists into one delightful package!
Thanks so much, Rachel.
Hmmm…I think I prefer Tristam without that “r,” at least for my NYC dive bar. And Clare Quilty is of course superb. And, in real life, based on Charlie Chaplin, who had a thing for Lolitas.
I really can’t say there’s any need to improve this list, so many of my favourite characters are on here. If I could just suggest that while it was only a Novella, I really loved the character of Lennie Small. His whole story was so horribly painful-beautiful and his end is still (even if it is sick to think so) one of my favourite character resolutions in fiction.
Totally agree.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Also a fabulous name: Crispus Attucks
Fabulous name, yes, but a real person, and not a character — although he does sound like one. One day we’ll make a 50 Historical Figures Names list, and he’ll be on it for sure!
There’s also Eugène de Rastignac from Pere Goriot.
And while we’re on the subject of Balzac, there’s also Vautrin (AKA Jacques Collin) ;)
And I’ve always liked the name Inspector Javert.
The French names all sound good, because they’re French! Javert is indeed excellent. I chose Jean Valjean instead, but it could have gone either way.
Thanks for reading and sharing!
Pingback: http://www.theweeklings.com/golear/2013/10/08/the-50-greatest-literary-character-names-of-all-time/ | janelawler
Wot, no Hiro Protagonist, from Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash?
I enjoyed your list tremendously! I agree that Scarlett and Rhett were great names, but remember reading somewhere that Scarlett was originally named Pansy in the early versions of the novel. Yuck…just yuck! I love the allusion in the name Scarlett! It suits her so perfectly.
Valentine Michael Smith, not Michael Valentine Smith. Grok it.
What about Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin? :)
Lesser known perhaps, but still worthy:
Lestat de Lioncourt courtesy of Anne Rice
Dondi Snayheever from Tim Powers
Was Atticus Finch on your shortlist?
I’m glad to see Pip and Miss Havisham, but where is Estella Havisham? I absolutely fell in love with the name after reading Great Expectations in high school.
And I’m surprised to see nothing included from Wuthering Heights. It’s full of good names! Heathcliff, Catherine Earnshaw, Hindley Earnshaw, Edgar Linton, Linton Heathcliff, Hareton Earnshaw… If you ever make a part two, I hope to see one of them included!
Pingback: Don’t discount the power of a name | alliepottswrites
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I enjoyed your list a great deal and found myself agreeing with the vast majority of your selections. There is one small correction I’d suggest however. Regarding The Silence of the Lambs, you’re mistaken about the title. It actually appears in the final senstence of the novel which reads: “But the face on the pillow, rosy in the firelight, is certainly that of Clarice Starling, and she sleeps deeply, sweetly, in the silence of the lambs.”
Pynchon used the same trick at the close of The Crying of Lot 49, whose Pierce Inverarity deservedly appears on your list.
Thanks for the thought-provoking read. I’ll be passing your list on to friends of mine.
I did not know that! The only thing cooler than dancing around the realized title is saving it for last. (I did it in my second book, too, totally ripping off Lot 49).
Thanks so much for the comment and for reading.
Did you honestly exclude Ford Prefect? I mean, come on now, that easily beats out at least Patrick Bateman.
Ford Prefect is too made-up-sounding for me. And I always read it was Ford Perfect.
True but it’s supposed to be made up – that’s the humour of it. The kind of human-like name an alien would come up with after being on Earth for five minutes.
Great list though. I’ll just throw Raoul Duke into the mix.
In the words of Bill and Ted – “Most Excellent”.
I’m inspired to read!!
Lest I appear under-literate, I propose the great and pompous Ignatius J. Reilly. Not only a large character but larger than life.
A worthy selection, Phillip. Bill and Ted would find it not bogus…at least, not in the primary definition of bogus.
Making a list, especially as epic and huge as this one, is a great undertaking. I think the art of the large inclusive list deserves study so I submit for study: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/100-greatest-guitarists-20111123
(talk about controversial)
Put down whatever list you’re working on and read Tristram Shandy.
It’s the funniest damn book ever written. Not to mention it’s as dirty as Shakespeare.
I love that you assume I’m working on a new list.
(He said, stepping away from his new list).
It was hinted that Nero Wolfe was the son of Sherlock Holmes. If so, his name is way cooler than his dad’s. And what about his trio of hired gumshoes… Saul Panzer, Orrie Cather and Fred Durkin? There’s also Perley Stebbins. When it came to names, Rex Stout knocked the ball out of the ballpark.
I don’t believe that any of those are character names. I’m pretty sure they are all players on the roster of the Boston Red Sox in, say, 1915.
Nero Wolfe: a character in the Nero Wolfe series, including 33 novels and 41 novellas, written between 1934 and 1975 by Rex Stout (creds to his parents cus that’s a great name too).
Saul Panzer: a private detective in the same series, hired by Nero Wolfe.
Orrie Cather: another one of Wolfe’s operatives, a detective.
Fred Durkin: a “blue-collar investigator” often hired for surveillance.
(Sergeant) Purley Stebbins: an inspector’s assistant in the Wolfe series, respected by Wolfe himself.
In addition to Bertie Wooster, may I suggest the names of some of Bertie’s friends, such as Gussie Fink-Nottle, Bingo Little, Tuppy Glossop, Boko Fittleworth, and Catsmeat Potter-Pirbright, to name a few. And it’s hard to find a more perfect name than Jeeves.
Is Jeeves not on my list? I thought he was. He was on the short list for sure. The other names sound a bit too made-up for my taste, but then I’m often accused of being a fink-nottle.
I have to say that I’ve always loved the name “Mycroft Holmes”. (Sherlock’s brother). It’s just so unique!
I love that one because it sounds like Minecraft Holmes.
I propose Lestat de Lioncourt as another literary character with a fantastic name.
I love this list. But you left off a personal favorite of mine. Although I probably couldn’t explain why I like the name.
Holden Caulfield
True words Craig.
But at least there’s a quote of his on the list, so that’s some consolation.
His colloquialism brings back memories. It really does.
Holden Caulfield, you phony!
Idie – I was going to comment Holden Caulfield. Stephen kings Misery Chastain? C’mon that’s as original as they come.
man, you have guts to leave James Bond out that list. Otherwise a great read!!!
My dogs are always named for literary characters and I’m happy to see three on the list! Atticus is a personal favorite. I’ve also loved Miss Maudie from “To Kill A Mockingbird”.
Names from “The Stand” you might have been blanking on: Stu Redman, Larry Underwood, Frances Goldsmith, Tom Cullen (M-O-O-N that spells Tom Cullen. Laws, yes), Harold Lauder, and Nadine who’s last name I’ve quiet forgotten. I don’t know that they’d make the list but they’re a good lot.
Love the list!! Although another great one to add would be Peter Pan, in my opinion. :)
Great list! My personal favorite is Phileas Fogg. :)
Great topic, of the top of my head Holden Caulfield is a no brainer. Also,Paul Attreides and Muad’Dib (Dune,tie). Gully Foyle (The Stars my Destination). Samwise Gamgee. Ignatius J. Reilly (a confederacy of dunces). Rat Korga (Stars in my pocket like grains of sand)….I guess I could go on forever
Ooo ooo and Rooster Cogburn. Ok I’m done.
Cashel Boyle O’Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell is the greatest..
What about Asta Sollilja from Haldor Laxness’ “Independent People”? Sollilja itself means ‘sun lily’.
And Lev Nikolaevitch Myshkin, from Dostoyevsky’s “The Idiot”. His name contradicts itself, as Lev = Leo = lion, while Myshkin means mouse. So he’s both a lion, vibrant with his idealism and a mouse, a coward.
Along with Holden, how about Phoebe Caulfield?
And, from Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, Sweet is a fine name for a good-hearted prostitute.
Tyler durden
Jean-baptiste Grenouille
Awesome, but unfortunately, I haven’t read all those books in which the characters mentioned in your list.
I may add these:
Peter Pan
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Lemony Snicket
Serafina Pekkala
And I love Thimbletack ;)
Who is O or Zero? Is this a 50 shades of grey character? It’s not proving to be an easy search online looking for a one letter name.
O is the main character in the book, “The Story of O”. It is the original BDSM book.
She is “the willing sex slave” listed in Humbert Humbert’s character description.
Aww was hoping for my favorite – Long John Silver.
Such a great character name, and how could he be anything but a pirate?
What about Julien English? He was as white bread as his name.
You forgot to include John Watson. He’s like, Sherlock’s best friend and assistant in mysteries. How can you not include him?
A bit late in the day. Still…….
How can you leave out:
What about Rebecca? Does she count? Hercule Poirot? Passpertout?
Vivian Darkbloom is Nabokov’s greatest name.
Thanks for the great list, this is a great source for literary baby names or pet names.
I absolutely love this discussion. I would add, simply because I love to say it out loud: Flavia De Luce.
An impeccably chosen list and kudos to the many suggestions. So many that if my hon men is already there my apologies.I did not read them all. I submit O’Toole’s Ignatius j Reilly .
Artful Dodger???
I found some of the names on the list a bit curious as selections. But as the author says, Shakespeare and Dickens, amongst others, alone could each have a top 50 and a complete greatest literary character list would probably be more like 500 names, rather than just 50. So of course there are SO many characters deserving of being on this list who aren’t on it.
That said, I really wish there had been at least 1 Vonnegut character included. I myself would probably nominate Kilgore Trout and Harrison Bergeron, if the list had been up to me.
My favorite squashed cabbage leaf, ‘Eliza Doolittle’.
Bilbo Baggins
Mr. Darcy
Katniss Everdeen
Im related to the Defoes
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Where’s T.S Garp?
What about Zaphod Beeblbrox?
Ummm…I may be wrong, but isn’t it Milo Minderbinder??? Not Minderbender?
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Tom Joad..just because.
Tom Joad…just because.
I would like to nominate the wonderfully named retired detective Stacey Olifant, who features in Q is for Quarry by Sue Grafton, of blessed memory.
PS I beg his pardon – Stacey Oliphant.
Out of interest, why Hester Prynne?
Lestat de Lioncourt
Boo Radly
Did any one bring up Anne Shirley. She is one of my favorites/
I’m gonna call my dog Clint. Then when he runs off I can ask “Where’s my Clint?” Or maybe Charley. “Can you smell my Charley?”
Both of these are immortal lines from the imagination of the late, great Victoria Wood from the series Dinner Ladies.
Might I suggest::
Charlie Asher-
Henry Sugar-
Personal favorite:
Edmond Dantes
How did Hannibal Lector not make this list?
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Stopped reading the list after you broke your own rule twice, and then put a character on from a book you didn’t read? So, why would I go on? Pointless.
Endeavour Morse. Just Morse… Unforgettable.
Many a mention of Thomas Pynchon, and yet you don’t include Tyrone Slothrop.
As perfect a name for an all-American patsy as you could conceive!
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What, not Popeye? J. Wellington Wimpy? Swee’pea? Olive Oyl? Rough House? Mr. Geezil? Bluto? The Jeep? The Sea Hag? So many more! E.C. Segar produced endlessly fun names.
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Responding to this, the World Council of Churches and the Middle East Council of Churches, by the invitation of the Syrian Orthodox Church, organized the 1997 Aleppo session the place the theologians of all the represented churches accepted the choice of the Orthodox convention and decided that probably the most acceptable and historically rooted technique of calculating the date for the celebration of Easter can be following the norms of the Nicene Council and that the celebration of Easter would happen on the first Sunday after the full-moon following the vernal equinox utilizing the calculations of trendy, astronomical knowledge. In Ukraine, it is still quite common for males to take on the role of breadwinner while women keep at residence and raise the kids. A newborn boy was allegedly beaten by his teenage mom, who then left him alone whereas she went on a date. And whereas there are undoubtedly many similarities between the 2, there are additionally several vital variations to learn about. There is an excellent purpose why a lot of men all world wide need so far Ukrainian women. A Ukrainian lady has a number of qualities that make her suitable for marriage. Art Club Closer has quite a bit to offer to its visitors.
If you’re a picky particular person, online relationship websites will supply a variety of Ukrainian singles to choose from. If you have an interest and want to search out Ukrainian wife, you must go for the most effective mail order bride sites. As talked about by Dr. Arjakovsky, we need to put an accent on the fact that the dates for celebrating Easter not solely coincide in response to the Julian and Gregorian calendars, but also with astronomical knowledge. At the same time, the speakers accented on the fact that the principle downside lies not in deciding the calculations however in the lack of trust between the completely different Christian denominations attributable to long division. This decline on behalf of the Orthodox fee came on account of the truth that it can be in contradiction with the historical methodology of calculating the date of Easter. This is a tour of the historic Podol Area that may final for a number of hours. Evening tour round Podol Space. It’s an underground tour within the capital city, getting more common among tourists.
More reasonably priced expertise. A visit to Ukraine won’t be too costly, but online dating is ukraine women dating even cheaper. As with virtually all issues you’ll in all probability undertake, it might be a good idea to check the great versus the dangerous when considering relationship a girl from Ukraine. Such a tour is an efficient way to spend your evening. The goal of the seminar, as the organizers mentioned, was to inform the broader public and to discuss “the excellent news concerning the consensus which Christian churches at Aleppo have achieved for the frequent celebration of Christ’s resurrection,†At the identical time, it intends to raise the level of trust between Christian confessions. Dr. Konstantine Sigov, chief director of the publishing firm Spirit and Letter, who spoke in the name of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), mentioned that it is of huge importance to unfold information about the potential of establishing a common date for Easter – especially inside a tutorial surroundings as well as among the many broader public. Duchenko said on the restricted info in the case in Zaporizhzhia.
Police launched a criminal case for battery and failure to fulfil parental duties in opposition to the mother. In accordance with reviews, Mykyta and his 19-year-outdated mom lived together in a social hostel. One-month-old Mykyta was discovered overwhelmed black and blue on the verge of loss of life in the city of Rivne in the western area of Ukraine. Not all girls in Ukraine are fluent in English. Over the course of per week, the Guardian spoke to ladies at two completely different train stations, on both aspect of the Ukraine-Poland border, to seek out out why they had been going home. The tales of two profitable Ukrainian women who beloved to do their job, succeeded of their endeavours, and had nice prospects which can be abruptly interrupted by the wail of an air-raid siren. There are a lot of great platforms to consider, so don’t miss your likelihood to fulfill Ukrainianbeauties able to dedicate themselves to making you a happy person. This place is understood for providing great food and drinks as effectively. We’re providing direct grants to native NGOs to help set up safe lodging for internally displaced persons.
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