The Worst People in America: Donald Trump



To celebrate July 4th, the Weeklings Editorial Board brings you an in-depth look at the least acceptable among us. Although only living figures were considered, space was limited and deliberations were intense. In the end, there were fifteen good men (and women, but mostly men) chosen. God bless this great land.


LET US FORGET the hair at the outset, for the hair makes the clown, and the clown’s secret job is to distract us from the nature of pure evil.

Also too, the smarmy Jersey-fuckface accent, the granite head and vaginal lips, the bearing that in any context or mood projects a nearly Grecian ode to unearned certainty. If Donald Trump were this minute pinned to the agar and dissected by a high school biology class, it would be discovered that he is mainly comprised of impacted fructose, random giblets, pulped copies of The Art of the Deal, delusional self-regard, and real creamery butter.


No, I am not staring at my totally hot assistant adjusting her thong just off-camera, this is a live shot of me intimidating a bunch of Saudis into buying twenty-six tons of exclusive Trump Sand at a major profit.

Further assessment of Donald Trump is less a question of research, analysis, or even math—it’s confessing the ease of the target. To point out the man’s near-biblical hubris, failed business ventures, incomplete grasp of sentence structure, and ludicrous physical appearance is like shooting fish in an avant-garde performance piece about fish shooting. What’s the point? The fact that Trump exists, on an hour-to-hour basis, is likely damnation enough.

But it’s also the core of his genius: Donald Trump is ultimately fortified by the fact that he doesn’t seem to realize he’s Donald Trump.

It’s a crafty and devious stratagem, to inure oneself from all commentary by understanding none of it, to parry jokes with the tempered-steel defense of always being the butt of them, to defuse contempt by regularly exceeding your previous level of contemptuousness.

Perhaps it is in this way we can conclude that Donald Trump, more than any other public figure, is the quintessential American. In the same way that the rest of the world knows we are a big, dumb, insecure bully whose claims of exceptionalism are exaggerated, whose politicians are ignorant and self-serving, and even whose constitution is a contradictory and outdated document, we know that Trump’s very Trump-ness is the one metric we can count on being accurate. There’s nothing fraudulent about the utter fraudulence of the wigged ham. He may be an asshole, but he’s our asshole, and, actually, he’s pretty sure you’re the one who’s an asshole.

Who’s to say he isn’t right?

It’s the coterie of Trump supporters and apologists who remain perplexing. Who actually likes Donald, aside from jaded escorts, Todd Palin, and bribed construction inspectors? Have you ever met this fictional Pro-Trump Guy in a bar? On a bus? Emptying the ashtrays after a church basement meeting? Sure, we all have our particular, if not peculiar, tastes. Some people actually claim to listen to Phillip Glass, or read David Foster Wallace. It’s possible there really is this as-yet-unfracked groundswell of support for The Man Who Made Atlantic City What it is Today. Not to mention The Man’s Whose Last Serious Utterance Took Place at Least a Year Before the Culkin Family Puberty.

But haven’t we all evolved in the interim?

Yeah, probably not.

Trumpfact: Donald bought the USFL New Jersey Generals, sold them, and then bought them back again at a loss right before the league went under. He decided not to hire legendary coach Don Shula because Shula asked for a condo in Trump Towers as part of the deal.

Hey, do you remember 1989’s Tour de Trump? Well, no one else does either, mainly because it folded after one race, a contest that featured the presumptive European winner inexplicably veering off a well-known and well-marked course at the last second, allowing an American rider to win instead. While these days regarded as conspiracy theory even Building 7 and Kaczynski enthusiasts won’t touch, it’s still possible certain Atlantic City bookies did pretty well on the outcome of the race.


No, I don’t ride a bike, but I could. It would be a gold bike. White gold. I’d win every race. If I wanted to. What, so that guy thinks he’s fast? Listen, here’s the Art of the Spoke: you peddle faster. I can do that. Totally. I am the Trump Zephyr. Taste my wind, Rosie. On the other hand, fuck it, I hate to sweat. Plus, helmets are for Germans.

Do you remember when Trump divorced Marla Maples and a few weeks later she very publicly said, “Donald was the best sex I ever had.” What do you suppose the odds are that particular utterance was paid for, or even included in the settlement? Also, if someone gave you six months to come up with a list of names for the fictional repository of Donald Trump’s mostly fictional erection, is it even possible to invent one better than Marla Maples?


Please, merciful God, invent a brand of bleach strong enough to wash these stains away.

This is a son whose father left him extreme wealth, and then spent a lifetime acting self-made, as if only through mastery of the Art of the Total Loss could all those shoddily built casinos have imploded. Plus, the 27,000 NYC properties he was left in the will. Few other Americans could have made it through the 80’s so successfully sporting an orange Marcel and only 27,000 properties with which to slowly build their empire. It’s said that George Bush was born on third base but thought he hit a triple, which means Donald Trump was born on W. 73rd and thought he hit a stripper.

So he ran right out and married one of the Gabor sisters.



I am a human blood diamond.

And flew around on this jet, whose modest branding helped numerous control towers decide which incoming flight to re-direct onto the runway with the catastrophic oil spill.


Land this shit now, we’re out of macadamias.

As an avowed proponent of the “pick yourself up by the bootstraps” school of belittling the less fortunate, Don’s educational record is worth noting. He attended the Kew-Forest school for young scions. Then Fordham. Then Wharton. Pretty much the same pedigree most welfare moms and resource-sucking immigrants start out with, but fail to take advantage of, due to a lack of iron will or perseverance.

Trumpfact: Donald Trump: former financial adviser to Mike Tyson.

If Trump has any identifiable skill, it’s as the CEO of Trump Is Better Than You, Inc. He also has massive holdings in Let Me Prove it By Naming Another Shitty Building After Myself LLC. His stock in I Am Blind to My Personal is worth a small fortune. But it pales in comparison to the valuation of his rapidly expanding start-up, I Will Do Or Say Anything, No Matter How Transparently Stupid or Aggressively Cuntish, if it Will Cause Even One More Person to Look at Me.

RecentTrumpQuote: We have a five billion dollar (Obamacare) website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.

And then there’s the vaunted Trump University. Which, as a matter of full disclosure, I happen to be a graduate of. Where I majored in abstract dance, with a minor in the utilization of negative space in Weimar-era sculpture.

"Delivers the best in business education." Also, delivers the best in charging 29% interest on loans for a totally useless degree that haunts you from year to year,  job to job, finally grinding you down every month until you turn 62 and exhausted, finally giving up and applying for Trump Assisted Suicide at a very attractive rate.

Also delivers the best in charging 29% interest on loans for totally useless degrees that haunt former students from year to year, job to job,  grinding them down until they turn 62 and exhausted, finally giving up and applying for Trump Assisted Suicide at a very attractive rate.

Trump has succeeded in marketing the Trump name on a vast number of products, including Trump Model Management, Trump Princess Yacht, Trump Restaurants, Trump Buffet, Trump Financial, Trump Ice Cream Parlor, GoTrump, the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection, Trump magazine, Trump Shuttle, Donald Trump the Fragrance, Trump Golf, Trump Chocolate, Trump Productions, Trump Institute, Trump the Game, Trump Home Furnishings, Trump Books, Trump Marina, Trump Ice, Trump Mortgage, Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks.

Seriously, you haven’t lived until you’ve crammed a raw Trump porterhouse down your gullet and then followed it with nine shots of Trump-infused Trump vodka. And then the next morning soaked down the stains in the hallway carpet with Trump the Fragrance.

RecentTrumpQuote: When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say, China in a trade deal? They kill us. I beat China all the time.

Trumpfact: Donald Trump has written eighteen books.

There are any number of really smart people who think Donald is not a billionaire. That he is, in fact, a walking shell game, a monorail-style huckster who moves assets incessantly, from one failed golf course or casino in Dubai to the next. When Donald sued Timothy O’Brien, a New York Times writer with the temerity to question his finances, Donald lost badly, not in small part because he insisted his “brand” was a large part of his fortune. The Judge disagreed. Forbes claims Trump exaggerated his net worth by a mere 100% during his much-admired Mexican Rapist Speech.

RecentTrumpQuote: When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

This painting reportedly hangs in Trump’s Florida home. Which, if nothing else, makes you wonder why he’s so hot for Dan Quayle.


Love-forty, your serve.

Trumpfact: In 2014 he bought the storied Doonbeg Golf Club in Ireland and immediately re-named it Trump International Golf Links.

Trumpfact: Trump intentionally owns Miss USA and Miss Universe.

Trumpfact: Four of his businesses have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Trumpfact: Neil Young is a big fan.

Finally, Donald Trump likes to run for president. In fact, he pretended to do so in 1988 (“The Ayatollah Khomeini makes Mikhail Gorbachev look like a baby”), 2000 (“It’s a very great possibility I will run”), and 2012 (“I am well acquainted with winning.”) before dropping out of each. (“I would’ve crushed Obama. It would’ve been easy.”)

Later that year, Trump attempted to host a republican candidate debate, which everyone dropped out of until even Michele Bachmann refused to attend.

The real question is: how do other mainstream Republican candidates, as well as the majority of the party apparatus, continue to maintain a cowardly and shameful silence in the face of someone so plainly using them for his own self-aggrandizement, and in process making a mockery of the process?

Aw, shucky ducky.

It has not gone unnoticed that within a week of completing this essay, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president in 2016, once again forcing this writer into a mixture of giddy disbelief and additional unpaid labor. Those who did not go unpaid, however, were several actors that Trump hired from a talent agency to loudly support him during his campaign announcement. They got $50 each to yell things like, “We love you!” and “Donald!”, two phrases that otherwise rarely occur together in the natural world.

In fact, as of last night, Donald has enjoyed a nice bump in the polls, stomping all over virtually unelectable school bus fires like Chris Christie, Bobby Jindahl, and Rick Perry. He even placed second behind Dick Van Patten body-double Jeb Bush, in both a New Hampshire and FOX News poll.

Trumpfact: Oddly, in the long history of generational dynasties that governed their empires to untold glory and riches, including the Claudians, Mings, and Plantagenets, none has ever been helmed by a man named “Jeb.”

If nothing else, continued solid poll numbers will guarantee Trump an invitation to the Republican debates, providing a national stage for him to interrupt while Rick Santorum tries to explain how the Pope suddenly turned into Noam Chomsky, and say things like:

RecentTrumpQuote: I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.

Hey, if you’ve ever watched an episode of Celebrity Apprentice, you’re a sucker. If you’ve played on one of his golf courses, you’re an accessory rube. If you’ve gambled in one of his casinos, you’ve no doubt contracted lobster salmonella. Donald Trump is the epitome of the arrogance that sent us into Iraq, the greed that allowed investors to sleep at night without questioning Bernie Madoff’s returns, the deregulation and subsequent bailout of Bear Sterns, the moral stain of sub-prime mortgages, the racial pandering of the Birther movement, and the pomposity of continuing to run for an office that you cannot win, with money you did not earn, while advocating policies even Lester Maddox thought were unnecessarily divisive.

RecentTrumpQuote: I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.***

With apologies to all the other essays in this series, and with the full acknowledgement that he is less a candidate than a self-immolating cartoon, it must be said, loudly and without equivocation, that Donald Trump is the biggest dick in America.

If only because he is the soul of the America that the rest of us are too weak not to be.




***J.P. Powers & Associates TruthCheck: Very likely true. None of the lesser jobs-presidents that God has ever created were willing to go on the record to defend their jobs-iness. Also, God, mostly by dint of not existing, was unable to comment by press time.



About Sean Beaudoin

Sean Beaudoin (@seanbeaudoin) is the author of five novels, including The Infects and Wise Young Fool. His new short story collection, Welcome Thieves, is just out with Algonquin Books.
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7 Responses to The Worst People in America: Donald Trump

  1. A squealing, infantile, egomaniacal simpleton unencumbered by the tiniest shred of self awareness, this extraordinary individual is literally beyond parody. I’ve considered setting up a Twitter account called something imaginative like Ronald T. Dump (tagline: I am a reasonable man) in which I re-write each of Trump’s tweets in the style of a human being with a sense of perspective and a grasp of reality.

    So far it seems I can’t be arsed.

    Here in Britain, “trump” is polite slang for flatulence. Trump Links, I suppose, are sausages that give you gas.

  2. Patrick T. Kilgallon says:

    It is not true that he is useless as a piece of shit. We can grow important things like flowers and food from shit and build bombs from the ammonium nitrate that is found in dried shit. With Donald Trump , we can’t really do anything with him unless we buried him, dead or alive, and use his eventfully decomposing body to create new life.

  3. Ever seen a thing with two assholes? Take a look at Donald short dick trump. Mom and dad wiped the best part of him off on the towel. Anything against the law trump s connected in some way, three mafia connections so you know a murder or a body was involved, butt buddy s to Putin his asshole is so enlarged it could be used as an airplane hanger, he notified Putin of the bombing in Syria, for all the missels sent in just so much dirt blown up, but agent orange made money, he has an interest in the company who builds the bombs, said the dead babies bothered him (wrong he let his grand nephew die to get more money in the inheritance, pays all his wives money to have kids,( which to me says he s ac/dc and won t admit it to himself so all wives were inseminated with a turkey baster), he said drain the swamp he should be leader of the pack, snatch grabber( ladies carry a tazer or a cattle prod his it’s will run up to his adamsapple), cures that klepto problem, run for pres on the size of his dick ( I seen pictures of it he s lying), insults damned ear everyone who comes near him, threatens, blackmails, mafia connected with 3 and as everyone knows a murder or a dead body was involved, his 4 oldest kids are in on every shitting he does so when he goes down go right on down the line as in this case nuts didn t fall far from the tree, agent orange said drain the swamp he should be leader of the pack, writes letters of recommendation to the judge for his cocaine dealer, does not pay his wages to employees, committed neumerous frauds, raped a minor, incest, ( what father would referr a daughter a good piece of ass) the only truth he s ever told was when the words used were if,and,the, and but, anything against the law he s in it up to his eye balls, he s committing bigomy right now melania and ivanka, (if I were kushner (DNA all kids) might be all trump, ru Ning business out of the white house a no no Donald, ivanka s doing it from the office for the first lady, his 2 sons are flying all over the world doing private business at tax payers expense, send the 2boys to Africa for the illegal hunt they went on, face the music,Donald short dick trump wants to be a dictator go to Russia or the middle east, you ll lose the head or balls very shortly, take a look at hitler and moussilini, I ve tried to cover all his endeavors, if I missed any I m sure someone will fill in the rest.
    Hell right now a man from Wisconsin is on the hunt for Donald so is el chapo,and just maybe Putin over the bombing in Syria.

  4. Lucille craig says:

    I keep wondering why the name Obama upsets fuck trump? The name obamacare was just put to being able to get health care out to the masses and ones witre existing conditions. Worked for a company that told me being a woman was a pre existing condition to utterance cancer. Know what my doctor hired his own attorneys sued that ins co. And won. That ins. Co. Almost got kicked out of Or. as umpumpthey had made it a habit of taking money like trump under false pretenses. This piece of shit is still collecting money like he s campaigning. He s doing the shell game here it isno it isn t. It’s going into some off shore bank under one of fuck trump smany company s. come on people he s Putin s puppet. Donald like Steven seagal both have Russian citzenship papers. Anyone out there with power and guts could find out. I’m predicting fuck trump and his nutty kids will all be jailed or killed by the Russians. He s a walking piece of flesh with two assholes that can t make a complete sentence. He s coked it up for too long to have any brains left. I m guessing he s shooting it up as he s not sniffling any more. I will never call him my president.. He s such an embarrassment the whole world don t want him in their countries it costs them money they don t have to keep this insulting pig alive. So many even Isis would love to skin him alive. I say give them what they want before he has the whole world in the 3 rd one we don t need. He s got an itchy finger just like Kim Jong in. Let those two little dictators be put in a ring cuffed together with a k IDE and hatchet. Go at it you two fat pigs. Leave the rest of the world alone. You also know where Donald short dick trump s leak is melania is the Russian spy. Putin put this scenario together yrs. ago. He s a patient man to some degre, but when Dickie Donald did that bombing even with the warning ahead of it that wasn t in Putin s plan.

  5. Lucille Craig says:

    predicting fuck trump and his nutty kids will all be jailed or killed by the Russians. He s a walking piece of flesh with two assholes that can t keep from lying. That s a condition of cocaine addiction. He s quit sniffling so he s shooting it. He s got all the tell tail signs. If he d let a doctor. Heck his fat piggish ass the tracks are there. What I m doing is repeating to wake up the ones who voted for this piece of shit. He s still campaigning to get more money so he can funnel those funds into his businesses to keep them going. Heaven forbid I mention all the companies and lower class that put in hrs ( called wages) he won t pay. Trump s answer I’m above the law and don t have to. That s a dictator attitude. What s happened to most of the dictators? Hunted down and killed. To all the ones who voted for this asshole get out that. Get out the checkbook and write asshole a big fat check and give us tax payers a break. Both trump and seagal are Russian citizens. Raise hell America . I know most of gou Re smart enough you don t want to be speaking Russian . So again how does one learn? Repeat. Look how trump will never answer a direct question? He interrupts and only half ass lies and says reporters never print anything correctly. He s got both the foriegn countries north and south up in arms with the tarrifs. Trump s so damned rich let him pay and make America great. I didn t see too much wrong until Putin helped get this walking piece of shit into office. Trump s normal way of doing business sue, bankrupt, and shift funds from one business to another. He s going to bankrupt us ( America) just guarding his entire family. They ( trumps turkey baster made kids ) are just like dad offend and run. I would expect they don t pay their employees or contractors either. Look what happened when she went to Germany to defend fuck trump to the German ladies. She got booed oh my the poor thing. It could ve been a bullet. She never mentioned how he offended merkle when he looked thee other way and never shook her hand. Ivanka s using the 1 st ladies office hawking her designer rags ( under another name. Not mind you under her married name but under a name that sounds Italian) . Right now I wouldn t buy any of her shit as none of it would make good mop rags. I wouldn t even buy a nark off as to me that is a target and making want to do just that. Shoot me. Melania as you should all know by now wanted to sue (anyone who wrote about her that caused her to not get her clothing line, jewelery line cancelled) a fuck trump agenda. The court threw it out. She s using the white house power to hawk her shit just like fuck trump. I predict fuck trump will disappear and all the donated money to the republican party he s putting into his businesses will be abra cadra just be gone. It s the shell game. Here it is now its gone. Repeating is learning. Fuck trump is giving all of you that voted for him a lesson . Never judge a book by the cover. Read fuck trump s favorite book mien komph written by hitler. Manifest destiney is how he lied to all of America and with help from Putin got in. Obama putting in devices to listen in on fuck trump. Why he tweets in 1 st grade sentences everything on his cocaine induced stupidity. It’s the cocaine that keeps this bastard up so late. We could be so lucky if he d do his own self in with an overdose. Take a close look at all his cabinet. Not just one, but all have an agenda. All,but de vos hve been in touch to the point of getting money from Putin. My next question does fuck trump really think everyone is as stupid as he is? I don t know which branch has the authority, but delve into this fact. Fuck trump throws cudos to Putin any time he can. He might have Russian citzenship papers the same as Steven seagal. Steven seagal should be vetted every time he comes back to the states and be under guard around the clock. He s a home grown what the fuck? Another turn coat. He ll change his mind when free speech will get him shot in Russia. Putin s getting rid of all the men who could connect Putin to getting fuck trump elected. Again I say wake up America was great til Putin and trump got in. Trump s not going to do anything to help anyone at the bottom of the ladder. All his cabinet members are getting medical (surgerys) done before his insurance might get voted in. Does this make any sense? To me it means a fuck you all America. It’s a statement you er all pre existing nothing’s and he ll bury you. I m a retired truck driver. Did you see how fuck trump got in that big rig and was yelling at a car to get out of the way? Road rage is what that s called. If I were still driving I d of been on the c.b. and this piece of shit would ve been run up an off ramp. I ve done it more than once to cars that almost caused me to get in a wreck. It was at a road construction signs said get in right lane only. Not one but three of them passed and cut back in. I slammed on the shifting my load with a scale house coming up. Went into the state scale and was lucky enough to be ok. Walked my two furry passengers. Got back in the truck. Caught up with the three cars that. Ouldn t read signs. Went to the first one and when it was in the middle of my trailer turned on my blinker and give my truck a jerk and up the ramp all three went. Had I been a ( Canadian driver and I spoke to many they d put them into the ditch). When n.y state put in the no idling of trucks I wanted to shut down my reefer too. To my way of thinking rotten shit might have killed fuck trump then. 3 of us trucks got to hell out of n.y by herding cars . One in the front, a fast one and I pulled up the rear door. I picked a car the one in front started to slow down and the fast one was in the fast lane so the car couldn t pass, and I was in the rear so it couldn t get away. We d keep the car there til I said cut him loose. The car would then start to speed to make up time getting the bear out and handing the car a ticket. Then we d ( us 3 trks) speed. Did this til we hit the state line. Now I m string this was not road rage. It was colder than hell snow to my asscrack and I had my two dogs on my truck. I was not about to not idle my truck and become a human Popsicle for anyone. All the four wheelers of America have forgotten why and for who the highways were built for. Trucks and armed forces to get anywhere in a hurry if America were attacked. Each and every truck pays over $ 15,ooo.oo in road taxes and fuel taxes and any other tax the Feds voted in. Then of all things a person who d never been on a truck was put in charge of transportation. Instead of the rules we already had to log our driving hrs. It was backed down to where we could barely earn a living. The prices of trucks went up but not wages. To my way of thinking anyone put in should be put on a truck for a yr. let them see how a driver needs to be a secretary, a half assed attorney, a maid, a politician. One state handed out tickets if the truck wasn t clean enough, went to one drop less than 15 minutes late. 30 docks open and they wouldn t take product til the next day. Now here s the rub. I called from the truck stop to get exact directions. Followed them to a tee. No company by that name. Got out and talked to another person . Was sent another way and got there. Talked to another person at this company and showed him the written directions the other reciever gave me and he laughed. You would never have gotten here. So I was late on all the 4 other drops. So for the sake of all the drivers. Trump making an ass of himself by getting in that truck and yelling at the car to get out of the way. I hope he don t put a plumber in to change laws again. I can tell of numerous murders commited while I was out driving. A couple over parking spots at truck stops. I just left. Went to one truck stop and a bus load of cops came in I left. At a truck stop in Arizona drivers were being log book checked and gotten out of bed that breaks up the hrs, logged to be in bed. The law was breaking the law when they were out hustling to hand a driver s a ticket. I turned this into my company . That truck stop lost our business. California scale houses a driver was stupid if they didn t get out of the truck and follow whoever inspected the truck as they put brakes out of adjustment to hand out a ticket. Photos were taken and that driver jumped on another truck left his and gave pictures to the company and had that scale house closed for a while. So this is in part for the general public who don t like trucks and drivers out on the road. Anyone who holds a cdl earns all the respect one can give. And that’s not because I once drove. The cdl means he or she knows both the rules and regs of a car and truck. Here s one for the state of Oregon. I a stupid truck driver had Oregon reprint and change a law that was wrong and re do all the tests where drivers were failed. I almost broke my arm patting my own self on the back. It had to do with brake adjustment. All are the same. The book stated the front axle were different. Snowed this to the school I attended and set in motion the change in the truck driving rules. Too bad a class action wasn t put in suing the state of Oregon. Here s another one. California sells cigarettes, collects taxes, and throws you out side to smoke. I say sue them for contributing to my delinquency. I tried to get it done. They have no right for pointing fingers. When every smoker quits what and who is going to pick up the slack smokers paid. I say tax the no smokers. They are the ones who want fresh air. In California the gas making plants put more ( smuck) in the air than cigs do. I was there when one plant blew up up and killed neumerous people. I was there to pick up a preloaded trailer. They ( state troopers) sent me out of the area. While I was stopped other drivers asleep in a lot of other trucks were not even woken up and told to leave. The cops accused me of sightseeing. No driver does that as fuel is not cheap. Here s another thing that happened. When 9/ 11 happened on my trailer med supplies. Put on hold for 11 hrs. To see if n.y. State might be in need of it. When cut loose to go to my drop the first truck stop I came to to put on fuel. The price was half again more. Price gouging is against the law. A number of these companies had to re emburess companies and drivers. All of this is to remind each and everyone you are not above the law. Here s to fuck trump. No president is above the law. When you get caught jail like Madoff will be too good for you. The one found in a hole and hanged is what should happen to you. That red Chinese tie you wear use two as the rope. That would be a step in the right direction to making America great. So fuck trump make a decision resign or hang for treason. The son in law is cahoots with the russian mafia as he s in with the Jewish mafia. His father was in jail prosecuted by none other than Chris christy. That s why he s kissing Donald s ass now.

  6. FUCK TRUMP says:

    Trump is the Stupidest, Dumbest asshole Motherfucker in the USA.

    The Trump Files: Watch The Trumps Not Be Able To Multiply 17 By 6

    The Stupid SON Said 17×6=96

    The Fuckface Motherfucker AKA The Extremely STABLE GENIUS said 17×6 = It’s ELEVEN TWELVE, IT’S ONE TWELVE.

    America is FUCKED to have a Stupid Motherfucker as President!

    So FUCK TRUMP and Fuck all those Assholes who Kisses and Sucks his Stinkinf Cock!

  7. Pingback: The End of an Error - Murphy's Law

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